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Kazakhstan has created $1 billion infrastructure for technology companies


Kazakhstan has created $1 billion infrastructure for technology companies

Speaking at the Digital Almaty 2025 international forum, Yoram Wijngaarde stressed the importance of new ecosystems for the global market. According to him, the US and Europe are leading in the number of start-ups, but Asian countries are showing rapid growth. Kazakhstan already attracts 15-20% of Central Asia's venture capital and is becoming a major player on the global stage.

Wijngaarde noted that Kazakhstan is not only catching up with the US, but overtaking it in terms of the emergence of "decacorns" - startups valued at more than $10 billion. One example is Kaspi.kz, which confirms the country's high potential for attracting international investment and creating global companies.

The Dealroom.co platform has already analysed 101 Kazakh startups, and this is just the beginning. Wijngaarde is confident that by working with the Astana Hub, the database will continue to grow, allowing for a more accurate assessment of the capabilities of Kazakhstan's startup ecosystem.

The integration with Dealroom.co is of strategic importance as it gives Kazakh startups access to international investment and partnerships. This will accelerate their entry into global markets and strengthen Kazakhstan's position on the global innovation map.

Source: kapital.kz

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