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Ali Aimuradov, 24, from Pavlodar, works at the Embassy of Kazakhstan to Lithuania, interpreter

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I studied in Pavlodar, then moved to Chisinau. Having graduated from the Lyceum, I was looking for different options for further education abroad. I had a choice whether to go to university in Australia or Lithuania. It was hard to get a visa to Australia, so I chose Canadian-American University in Lithuania.

I hadn’t heard anything about Lithuania. I chose this university because it is a private university with Canadian and American teachers.

It took me about six months to adapt, as there is a completely different culture, mentality and people. Lithuanians do not care about the way you are dressed, what phone you have and the place you work which surprised me a lot. Meeting other mentally people you also start changing the angle you look at the world from.

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Lithuania cuisine is specific and different from ours. The city I studied in had no Asian restaurants, so we missed Kazakh food and cooked pilaf, baursaks on our own. Our university is on the coast of the Baltic Sea, so initially I had health problems.

Residents of Lithuania and Kazakhstan are similar, because we had a common history, we know Russian, studied Russian literature. Having gained the independence, Lithuania began to focus on its native language, and now there are few Russian schools. Kazakhstan is increasing the number of Kazakh schools as well. Older generation in Lithuania speaks Russian, while young people speaks Lithuanian and English only. In general, Lithuanian differs from the other ones as Lithuanians are understood while speaking by Latvians, but not vice versa.

There are no so many ethnic Kazakhs living in Lithuania. They do not speak Kazakh, but they’re aware of where their families come from, they know traditions.


The Kazakh youth respect elders, while Lithuanians don’t tend to give a way to the elder. Kazakhs are really hospitable, guests are welcomed all the time. We always lay a rich table, whereas Lithuanians serve drinks and snacks only.

Since graduating from university I have been living for a year. I work in Vilnius at the Embassy of Kazakhstan. I like walking in the old city, you can find some new places there. I like a large number of foreigners living in Vilnius and Lithuanians live abroad as they have free access to other European countries.

No matter where you live. I’ve lived in different countries, in the US. There are pros and cons everywhere. I’m planning to return to Kazakhstan after having gained international experience. Every year I come to Kazakhstan as I really miss home. I want to contribute to the future of my country.

Dilyara Nogaybaeva, 20, from Kyzylorda, studies at the Faculty of Journalism of ENU

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I went to Lithuania on the program of academic mobility. I lived and studied there for a semester from September to December 2016.

It is unusual for Kazakhs to see old buildings, as we are used to the novelty. Initially Lithuania seemed to be a Medieval country. I lived in an old stone house, it was cold, since the owners saved on heating, and I had to use a heater.

Lithuanians live for themselves, for their own pleasure, they are easy to communicate, and they have many opportunities for self-development. The older generation knows Russian, but they aren’t willing to communicate in Russian. However, young people don’t. Knowledge of Lithuanian, English and Russian languages ​​gives them a better chance while being hired. Some guys even asked for additional Russian lessons.

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In Kazakhstan I was engaged in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and decided to find a club for training in Lithuania. I’ve noticed that there is a huge difference between our and Lithuanian athletes. Initially I was the only girl practicing jiu in the club. We train every day in Kazakhstan, but only three days a week in Lithuania. Jiu-jitsu in Kazakhstan is developing fast.

The education system in Kazakhstan and Lithuania is different. We study six days a week, while in Lithuania I studied for three days. Students have a convenient schedule and have the opportunity to travel, find time for their hobbies. I never heard of problems like buying an apartment or car here. They save money for fun and travel. In Lithuania teachers are sympathetic to working students. They can miss classes for months, but keep in touch with teachers and hand over the tasks remotely.

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While studying at VSTU student organizations arranged events, trips to different cities of Lithuania and other countries, concerts, cultural events. We had an opportunity to present our country, to acquaint other foreigners with Kazakh traditions, cuisine, songs. We had “Best food presentation”, cooked bauyrsaks, brought kurt, many were interested in the chak-chak recipe.

Despite the difficulties I encountered at first, I think this city is easy to fall in love with.

Zhuldyz Marat, 18, from Almaty, student


I moved to Lithuania about a year ago, I entered the American University located in Klaipeda. There were no difficulties as the university I entered covered all the expenses for a visa and accommodation.

I was surprised by their hospitality. People smile, sometimes get acquainted. Lithuanians and Kazakhs are a bit different.

In general, life in Kazakhstan and Lithuania is different. The people of Lithuania, regardless of their age, like to do sports. Kazakhstan is developing in this direction. Also, Kazakhs are more hospitable. They don’t get in touch with many people.

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There are many opportunities for travel. During the year I’ve visited five European countries, tickets are available for students. At the same time I’m missing Kazakh cuisine. I did not find horse meat here.

After graduation I’m planning to stay in Europe to gain more experience. Then I’m to continue studying in the US.

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