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Kazakh Street Food — try some beshburgers and kazy pizzas


Kazakh Street Food — try some beshburgers and kazy pizzas

Miras Abdushahmanov, 22, from Karaganda and Astana, public catering

On the starting point


I’ve been dreaming of becoming a waiter since the third form. My dream came true when I started working in the catering service since the age of 12. I was a dishwasher in my aunt’s hotel in Karaganda, then worked in restaurants. I lied to HRs and said that I was 18. Having worked in a great many places, I was good at analyzing all the service matters. I studied at the Rosproject company in Moscow, traveled to Shymkent and Kyzylorda afterwards. That was how I got the necessary knowledge.

I was watching cooks making food and chose the person we need. Now all the menu is always discussed with the chef, and the newly cooked dish is tried by the team.

Initially we opened a small restaurant with an area of ​​12 square meters right here as we wanted to know if customers would love us.

People liked the food we serve, there was a line waiting outside for burgers in October. That was when we realized the need to enlarge the project and make customers feel comfortable inside

On service


“York” differs from all the other street-food spots in the city. We are customer-oriented and having various guests with different problems (someone quarreled with his wife, someone got a bad mars, someone had an off-day), we always share positive emotions with customers.

We aim at satisfying customers’ expectations

We don’t impose our menu but try to find the best meal for a guest. So guests often leave feedback in the book of proposals. We quickly respond to all the online comments. In case of a problem we swiftly start looking for ways to solve it.

On the yurt concept

We’re going to launch the restaurant in a shape of a large yurt on the left bank. It’s to be a national project showing how steep and unique the Kazakh culture is. We’ve been reflecting the idea for a long, my grandma helped me a lot. York food will combine three different cuisines: Italian, American and Kazakh. We diversified the Kazakh cuisine and integrated it into the Italian and American ones.


Decorations will fully reflex the national concept, there will be high-tech, loft and national Kazakh style integrated into one. Also we’re going to imply wireless chargers into the tables. We’ve poured the foundation, the only thing to do is to install some structures, to conduct all communications, and launch the yurt on June 1.

The unveiling will consist of three parts. The first will be held on June, 15, we’ll have all the friends, partners and journalists invited and test the service this day. Our VIP guests are welcome to the second unveiling to enjoy live music. VIPs are our regular customers, today we have about 900 guests visiting us once a week at least. There’re guests visiting us daily as well. The third unveiling will be arranged for all the other customers.

On Meals


We’d been analyzing foreign and Astana market for a while. Our menu is unique. Hot dogs contain the sausages we make on our own. Meat comes first in our meals. Sausages emphasize the basic taste. We have a Mexican spicy hot dog, an Irish hot dog served with alcoholic drinks. We’re developing and constantly experimenting the menu. We make buns on our own and now we’re to open a workshop in Chubary to cook sausages as well. Kazakh cuisine is full of meat delicacies such as kazy, zhaya, shuzhuk.

We want to serve koumiss and shubat.

On features

We use real meat while many have diluted meat to make the meal cheaper.

We have a special VIP card providing unique opportunities to reserve a place and have swift delivery. All VIPs will have 10,000 bonuses enabling him or her order whatever s/he wants.

We have about 3000 predictions for customers.


All the guests can make a burger on his or her own. They choose a usual burger and add whatever s/he wants. The Italian site will offer the same. You’ll be able to order ready-made pizzas or choose the ingredients you want. You can make an order in three clicks: choose a pizza, write the address and set the payment method. Then our call-agent will contact you, specify the time of delivery, the cook will prepare a pizza, and the courier will deliver it to you.

On plans

We will launch a yurt and develop the current York food concept. We’re co-working with "Respublika Plaza" and planning to open a branch there by the end of the year. First of all, it is crucial to launch Italian cuisine, burger productions and combine them. In the next three-four years we’re going to open branches all over Kazakhstan, including four-five projects in Almaty. Some people in Atyrau are willing to buy our franchise, by the way. During the first month all the menu will be sold ll at the prime cost. I want to to make our customers happy.

Address: B. Momyshuly Ave., house 10.

Average check: 1000 tg

Work schedule: Mon-Sun 09:00 - 00:00

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