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Israeli Ambassador on impressions of Kazakhstan, activities and development of bilateral relations


Israeli Ambassador on impressions of Kazakhstan, activities and development of bilateral relations

We talked with the new Israeli Ambassador of Kazakhstan Edwin Glusman and his wife Tatiana about their first impressions about the country, professional activities and plans.

Edwin Yabo Glusman, 57 years, Israeli Ambassador of Kazakhstan

Tatiana Mishell, Partner of Israeli Ambassador


About yourself

Edwin. I grew up in a nomadic family. Born in New York, went to school in Argentina, Peru and Uruguay. I worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Spain.

When the opportunity of visiting a region that I had never seen before, I immediately agreed. I believe that this will allow me to enrich myself, meet new people and the language.

My wife and I arrived in Kazakhstan in mid-January. The first thing you think about Astana is the cold winter. We are not used to cool weather. But when we got here, we realized that everything was not so bad. In winter, the houses here are even warmer than in Israel

Tatiana. When my husband told me about moving to Kazakhstan, the first question was: «How is the climate there?». I didn't know how we could stand the cold. But all doubts disappeared with the arrival. It was the first time I saw snow. It was great to play winter games and enjoy the snow-covered views. I liked walking outside during the snowfall.

About activities

Edwin. Our countries are quite young, but from the very beginning there were good relations between them. My job is to contribute to their improvement. I’m planning to focus on economic, agricultural, industrial, innovative and technological projects. A lot has already been done, and I will continue to work in this direction.

The next project will be implemented with the participation of Israeli jazz musicians. We will organize the National day of Israel together with the thirtieth anniversary of bilateral relations.


We are planning to update bilateral agreements and conclude new ones. They should help people to travel easily between Israel and Kazakhstan and build a business.

In the social sphere, we work with Kazakhstanis who studied or took courses in Israel. When they return back, they create their own projects, and we support them in this. So that we can help those who really need it.

Working as an ambassador, you introduce your culture to another society, and at the same time you learn a lot of new things. We are representatives of two countries. I am the Ambassador of Israel to Kazakhstan, and vice versa.

I like to get rid of barriers and build bridges between countries. The ambassador's job is one of the best in the world.

About Kazakhstan

Edwin. Before we arrived here, we studied Kazakhstan. We understood that this is a significant country for the entire region, with a huge territory and a large amount of resources, both natural and human.

So far, we are only discovering Astana

So far, we are only discovering Astana. It was a surprise to see a bright city with a large number of people who have a wide range of hobbies: from dancing to sculpture.

About people in Kazakhstan

Edwin. People in Kazakhstan are warm. We met a lot of friends, and not only within the framework of work. Kazakhstanis are open—minded, with an easy character, they are always ready to listen about other places.


Israel is not so well known in Kazakhstan, but there are several areas that everyone has heard about. These are agriculture, technology, medicine. People are interested in my native country, and I am pleased to talk about it.

Tatiana. We arrived only two months ago, so our social circle is small. But I've already met Spanish-speaking people. It's nice to hear your native language here. When we go into a store or restaurant, I feel that people here are kind.

About plans

Edwin. We want to explore the country. Not far from Astana there is a beautiful place — Borovoe. In the near future we plan to visit Almaty, take a look on Charyn Canyon. The Jewish community also works there. I want to meet these people, because they connect our countries.

Kazakhstan is diverse, and I would like to understand all the cultures that are common here.

As an ambassador, I will continue to work with Kazakh colleagues on business, tourism, and student exchange.

I intend to develop the «knowledge economy», it is closely related to digitalization and technology. In this regard, I will share what we are already doing in Israel and accompany joint development, exchange of ideas and common work.

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