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Irishman about why he likes Yandex.Taxi and honest people in the capital

Tony Coveney

Hometown — Dublin, general manager of The Ritz-Carlton, Astana


Irishman about why he likes Yandex.Taxi and honest people in the capital

About life

I came to Astana in July, and I've never been to this part of the world before. The reason I moved is the huge potential of the city. I am sure that over the next 10-20 years you will see an increase in the economy of the capital.

Astana is the seventh capital I live in. I like capital cities, there concentrated activities of the whole country.


Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world, and it seems to be larger than Europe. This is surprising because not so many people living here.

I am interested in exploring new cultures. Kazakhstan has a large number of different nationalities, so I enjoy living here.

About the city

The first impression of Astana is windy here. But it's clean, beautifully decorated, amazing architecture, many wide streets, not so many traffic jams. I like the pace of city life, quieter than in the places I've lived before.

I see a mix of European and Asian mentality, and I like it

For the first month, I stayed at the Ritz-Carlton, Astana, and I had a chance to explore the surroundings. I often went to Keruen, shopped in Galmart. I liked the pizza in Del Papa, also I've tried the national Kazakh cuisine in Arnau. I love going to Mokki and dining at Selfie.


Now I've moved to Highvill and exploring the place. I found a small bakery in block D, where I often buy fresh and delicious quiche. I also came across a burger joint Take Eat Easy with a good atmosphere and team.

About people

I came to Kazakhstan from the big city of Riyadh in Saudi Arabia with a population of seven million people, and people are everywhere. But here it's pretty quiet. Especially in winter, when the locals go out and enter the buildings through the parking and do not go out of the buildings at all.

People here are closed but friendly. I see a mix of European and Asian mentality, and I like it. During the first week on the job, I met the hotel team. They welcomed me warmly, and according to Kazakh traditions, put a chapan on me and brought a jug of kumis. They gave me a full glass of kumis, and I drank it all in one gulp. I thought refusing would be disrespectful. And after that, I had a strange feeling in the stomach the whole evening.


I don't have a car yet, so I walk or use Yandex.Taxi. I know a few words in Russian, and I can talk to drivers. Conor McGregor is their first reaction when they find out I'm Irish. They all know Conor, it's surprising.

About plans

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I plan to stay in Astana as long as I enjoy it and feel comfortable. I like everything here. The project I work in has a big future and a great team. Everyone would be happy to work with such team.

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