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International University of Turkic States to open in Tashkent


International University of Turkic States to open in Tashkent

The International University of Turkic States is set to open in Tashkent. The institution will offer training in engineering, construction, logistics, IT and programming, healthcare, agriculture, food industry, as well as economic and social spheres.

On 25 January, the President of Uzbekistan signed a decree on the establishment of the International University of Turkic States.

The new university will be established in Tashkent as a non-governmental educational institution.

The main activities of the university:

— providing higher education in engineering, construction, logistics, information technology and programming, health care, agriculture, food industry, and economic and social spheres, in accordance with international standards

— implementation of study programmes together with foreign, including leading higher education institutions of Turkey, as well as on the basis of joint educational programmes and scientific researchs

— establishment of cooperation with leading foreign higher education institutions and research organisations

— improvement of the scientific and pedagogical potential of the teaching staff by organising their internships and professional development abroad.

From the 2025-2026 academic year, the educational process at the University will be organised on the basis of curricula from higher education institutions in Turkey that are included in the top 1000 in the rating of internationally recognised organisations in the field of education and are leaders in their field.

Education of students at the University is carried out on a fee-contract basis, with the parameters of admission and the size of the fee contract established by the University itself.

Source: gazeta.uz

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