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«In Kyrgyzstan, I tasted the best apples and watermelons in my life», — a Canadian about his impressions of life in Bishkek, activities and people

Sean Dillon

28 years old, city — Bishkek, Regional Data Strategist, Central & South Asia at Accelerate Prosperity, @sdlon


«In Kyrgyzstan, I tasted the best apples and watermelons in my life», — a Canadian about his impressions of life in Bishkek, activities and people

Sean Dillon has been fond of the history of the Great Silk Road since childhood and dreamed of visiting Central Asia. A few months ago he got the opportunity to work in Kyrgyzstan. In an interview for our publication, the young man spoke about the most memorable moments of his life in Bishkek.

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About myself

I was born and raised in Toronto. I was educated at York University. Studied Islamic studies as a bachelor. Hence my interest in Central Asia. After I received a master's degree in Business administration and Management.

I have always had an interest in the international economy, especially in the markets of developing countries. I wanted to work «in the field», in countries where the business sector is at the stage of development.

I spent most of my life in Toronto, but also lived and worked in China, Cambodia, Mexico.

For the past few years, I have worked as a manager for a large telecommunications corporation in Canada. I wanted to gain experience and expertise in data analytics and economic research. Develop as many skills as possible that I will use while working in an emerging economy.

Reasons for moving

I came to Central Asia within the framework of cooperation with the International Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Until the last moment, I did not know which country or city I would go to. I learned that it would be Bishkek only a couple of weeks before departure.

The Central Asian region and Kyrgyzstan in particular have been of interest to me for a long time. I have always been fascinated by the history of the Great Silk Road and the cultural impact it had on the whole of Eurasia. I think this is the first truly globalized place in history.

My interest in Kyrgyzstan is not limited to history. This country occupies an important geographical position. The once-fortunate location has helped build a bridge between the Chinese, European and Middle Eastern markets. It still exists today, making Kyrgyzstan one of the most dynamic places for business development.

The potential of Kyrgyzstan often remains underestimated by foreign investors. It has everything for the development of an export-oriented industry, international trade, and investment in start-ups. I'm happy to be here and help people see these opportunities.

I arrived in Bishkek at 05:00. A few hours later I went to the Ortosai market. Saw traditional Kyrgyz life in this small bazaar. Then he visited a coffee shop in the city center, where he ordered Brazilian coffee and French pastries. This incredible mix of tradition and modernity still characterizes Bishkek for me today.

About activities

I work as a Regional Data Strategist with Accelerate Prosperity, an organization that provides training for entrepreneurs and startups and provides funding. It operates in four countries: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Today Accelerate Prosperity is one of the best startup incubators in the country.

I am based in Bishkek. My responsibilities include conducting analytical consultations. My task is to make sure that startup founders and businessmen use all the opportunities that the market offers them.

I think this is the best place and time to implement my knowledge

I also work regionally in other countries where Accelerate Prosperity operates. Here I have a similar goal - to help young people who do not always have a business education or access to funding, turn an idea into a working project.

I work for people. The ultimate goal is to create jobs and opportunities for the local population. We invest funds and expertise of specialists to make the life of the people of the country better.

Today the world market is changing. New global supply chains are being formed. This means great prospects for Kyrgyzstan, given its location. I think this is the best place and time to implement my knowledge.

About Kyrgyzstan

I studied the economic development of Kyrgyzstan before my arrival. I knew that Bishkek is a modern international city. I understood that I would find everything I needed for life. And so it happened. I feel as comfortable here as I do in Toronto.

In Canada, I was fond of music, moonlighting as a musician as a hobby. Surprised by local songs. I did not know that music in Kyrgyzstan is so bright and unusual. I recently visited a music festival. It took place in the mountains, a few hours drive from Bishkek. Cool DJs performed, played music from around the world. I got great impressions. The atmosphere was reminiscent of festivals in the US and Canada.

Surprised how well the locals know the performers from Toronto. Many people love The Weeknd and Drake. Their songs are played in all cafes and bars of the city.


I came to Kyrgyzstan in the middle of summer. Therefore, I made the most of the last warm weeks, saw natural beauty. One of the most memorable trips is Issyk-Kul. I did not expect a snow-white beach and a resort holiday in such a mountainous country. I liked the trip to the Chon-Kemin National Park. Here I rode a horse and fully felt myself in the steppe of Central Asia.

Now it's getting cold in the mountains, the hiking season is closed. Next summer, I plan to make longer trips, see the Alai Mountains.

Bishkek is a dynamic city. Here you can find everything from restaurants with traditional food to a Japanese cafe with a chef from Tokyo. Lots of bars with light music and cool atmosphere. This city reminds me of Toronto. There are cool coffee shops where you can get South American coffee — for me, as a lover, this is important.

I like that Bishkek is a green city. I can call it organized. The public transport system is built in such a way that I can easily get to the right place.

About traditions and people

Most of my colleagues at Accelerate Prosperity are Kyrgyz. So I managed to become part of some traditions. I remember that during the celebration of the birthday, all the participants say nice words about the birthday. This is great.

I have not seen establishments with the national cuisine of Kyrgyzstan in Toronto. Therefore, here I try as many dishes as possible: manti, pilaf, lagman, soups of various types. It is delicious.


I often heard that Kyrgyzstan has some of the best fruits in the world. Now I can confirm that this is the case. Here I tasted the most delicious apples and watermelons in my life.

The Kyrgyz are one of the friendliest peoples I have met. I have already made friends here. Whether at work or traveling, people always try to make me feel comfortable. Making friends is easy and I appreciate it.

About plans

My work contract will last until August next year. During this time, I will live in Bishkek and continue my work. I think that my work is just beginning. Kyrgyzstan is an ideal place to move from a corporation to the «field». Maybe I'll stay here and renew my contract.

I have a goal — to visit all the countries of Central Asia that lay on the Great Silk Road, to see the historical centers — Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Turkestan, Osh. I want to learn more about the region, its people and culture.

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