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I work for Samsung: How to get a job and be part of an international company


I work for Samsung: How to get a job and be part of an international company

Arsen Zhanseitov, hometown — Semey, Shop display and marketing manager Samsung Electronics


About employment

I had worked for Cheil Company before I was invited to Samsung. Cheil is a marketing company serving Samsung in all countries. There I gained valuable experience, grew and developed by changing positions every year. In September of 2018 Samsung offered me to work in their staff.

About work and responsibilities

For the fifth month, I have been working in Samsung Kazakhstan as a shop display and marketing manager. Now I brief the agency for another account manager who I recently was. I have many responsibilities. In general, my job is to control the display of Samsung household appliances at all points of sale in Kazakhstan. I monitor how and where to put a product, how to present to clients that it was convenient to see production, test it, to understand differences and its features. This task involves constant monitoring, communication with all channels, supervisors and consumers.

I have worked in other foreign companies and all have the same advantages as full implementation of labour legislation, convenient social packages, career growth, the opportunity to develop and corporate culture. Samsung is no exception, there is everything for comfortable work, for example, the choice of work schedule, constant training for development, business trips, fun team building.


During work phones of employees are on silent mode. The first time I was unaccustomed but now I see this as a plus, no one bothers to focus on work.

Samsung appreciates workaholics, ideological people with new suggestions to improve processes. Those who bring things to the end and on time, punctual and experienced staff.

Samsung appreciates workaholics, ideological people with new suggestions to improve processes

About difficulties

It is hard to leave the comfort zone. But when I left my previous job, I realized my next step was a logical decision, because I had to develop. The big plus, for me, was that working for Samsung, I had a good idea and understood where I was going and what I would do. I only had to study a few system programs and establish communication.

I did not have any difficulties, because in our department open people with whom you can solve any issue. But I can give some advice to avoid problems:

— make a deep analysis of the company you want to get into and the position you are applying for

— be sociable with everyone who surrounds you at work, build respectful relationships and maintain them

— from the first day make a time-plan for all work processes

— ask if you are not sure. It is better to seem inquisitive than unwary

— it's better to be intrusive than inactive. Get your way, demand deadlines, remind about questions, even if someone is annoying

— it is better to come to work early to have time for breakfast, drink coffee, make a plan for the day before work

— update your time-plan every day, especially before you leave work

— don't leave the workplace until you haven't responded to every letter and finished the letters you've been postponing during the day.



When I was invited to work in foreign companies, I was standing in front of the office and was ready to turn around and go back, because I thought I could not cope. I lost self-esteem and confidence during the long period of job search, but I decided I could quit at any time and I need to give myself a chance to try. And it was the right decision because I was waiting for new achievements and awards for good work.

Do not be afraid of changes and be confident, always give a chance to prove yourself, to show what you are capable of. Give 100% every day. My experience has shown that the main thing to be not only book smart but street smart. Do not give up if something does not work, conclusions about the results of your work you can do only a year after and maybe even later. Everyone makes mistakes, and people fall to learn to get back on their feet again. The main thing is not to repeat mistakes and always consider all possible risks in advance and try to predict them.

No one except you wouldn't do the job better, therefore you need to control everything and always recheck all. It is important to get pleasure from work, and you need loving it for this.

Alexey Schorr, 30 years old, hometown — Novosibirsk, city of residence — Carolina, engineer


About employment

My family and I moved to the US almost ten years ago. After graduating from college I always wanted to work in a company that deals with technology and innovative projects. I sent my resume when I saw a vacancy in Samsung after considering the request I was invited for testing. After that, I passed the interview. Beginners go through training which can last up to two weeks. I worked for the company for ten years and there were few dismissals among the staff. The work is stable, but you should always show yourself and be active. Inside Samsung, there is an opportunity to go to another country's office. I went to work in Seoul under this program.

About work and responsibilities

My work is related to design and planning, we develop Samsung products. Every day we have a new goal that must be achieved. For a common goal defined, tasks for each task appoint a person. You are responsible for your own project.

Samsung is investing in its people. We are trained to develop skills. In the office, there are several areas and places to relax, which are needed at such a load. A gym with exercise equipment and separate rooms with beds for those stay working the night shift. In the office feels we are working in a high-tech company.

Korean culture is based on maintaining the company's image. Therefore, you will be often told about the support from the management. Events are held for the team every month.

Employees receive benefits and discounts, such as health insurance. Decent wages. There are many employee support programs and we often participate in charitable activities.

The company tries to make working hours flexible. The philosophy of the company is to work smart and reduce the useless time spent in the office. Gradually, the requirements for the dress code are less strict.

Samsung is a great place to work because the company is dynamically developing

About difficulties

The company is obsessed with security. There are a lot of checks to employees. You have to take it easy, then it won't be distracting. We worked in an open space and during brainstorming it could be noisy.

It is difficult to develop within the company, but if you work well in your position, then this place of work will look profitable in your resume.

The load is large, but in the long term, the work pays off.


If you don't have a university education and technical skills, it's almost impossible to get into Samsung. Samsung is a great place to work because the company is dynamically developing. It is also a good springboard for motivated employees.

Cezar Kininary, 28 years old, hometown — Rio de Janeiro, project manager


About employment

I started with a regular internship when I was a student. I was attracted to work in such a large international company. I like, that everyone knows the name Samsung.

At the interview, the manager should understand your enthusiasm and desire to work for Samsung.

About work and responsibilities

Our team is engaged in consulting and manages Samsung Electronics Canada projects. I coordinate innovative projects with management. I need to have a good understanding of the existing market, assess customer needs, monitor technological updates.

Our staff is small, so we work twice more as in an ordinary company. The head office is in Korea, and all issues are resolved through them.

The main task is to increase the sales figure. We often meet with delegations from South Korea.

The company focuses on innovation and comfortable design. We need to see what technologies the market needs. Understand how to benefit consumers. We work with the best developers around the world. And we can say that at work we mix two cultures the West and the East.

Strong communication and analytical skills are important for work

Strong communication and analytical skills are important for work. The company teaches us to set priorities for effective work.

About difficulties

Organizational culture is focused on how many years you have worked in the company. As a junior employee you can report ideas and take the initiative, it is appreciated by managers. But you do not have much freedom of action.

There are certain rules for contacting employees. Here everyone knows the own role or position. At first, it was hard to get used to.


To work in such a company, you need to know exactly what you want to achieve. Important to be independent, responsible. Projects and tasks should be closed on time, otherwise, you will cease to develop as an employee, and you will have a different attitude. We must be prepared for the fact that most of the time you will give the work. If you are told to go out in the night shift, then you have to quit all business and come. This work is for those who love their job and are motivated. Only, in this case, you feel like a part of an international team.

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