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How to work as a barista in Italy, Kazakhstan, Russia and USA — free schedule and tips


How to work as a barista in Italy, Kazakhstan, Russia and USA — free schedule and tips


Davide Cobelli, 44 years old, hometown ― Verona, barista, coach

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About choosing a profession

I have been working as a barista since 2016. I started in the service industry and then opened my bar.

About coffee culture in Italy

Coffee culture in Italy has a rich history, mainly associated with espresso. The popularity of this drink is crazy, but the quality leaves much to be desired.

Coffee shops, which we call bars, are common in Italy. These bars are on every street.

The uniqueness of Italian coffee is style and attitude to the drink. In Italian coffee bars you don't just drink espresso, but get new sensations, which should occupy the main place in the coffee industry.

About working conditions

I work 12 hours 6 or 7 days a week. The standard working day of a barista in Italy is 8-10 hours.

I teach people about the art of coffee. I conduct training and masterclasses at my academy in Verona.

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It's easy to find a job as a barista and all depends on your skills. Being a barista, it's not just to press the button of the machine, and you must have special skills.

Salary of a barista in Italy 800 — €1,600 per month.

About the plans

I plan to export my knowledge abroad. We are looking for partners in Dubai with whom we can share our experience.


JoLene Danielson, 23 years old, hometown ― Portland, Oregon, barista

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About choosing a profession

I work at Starbucks. I like the attitude of Starbucks to customers and care about employees.

About coffee culture in the United States

Each American office is equipped with a coffee machine. Any restaurant provides a cup of brewed coffee, and coffee shops are at every step.

In the States thousands of Starbucks coffee shops, as well as local coffee shops, like Dutch Bros, the Human Bean, Insomnia and others, which form a competitive market for the coffee industry. Also, in the US, it's a normal thing to take a cup of coffee on the road or the way to work.

American coffee is brewed with a metal or paper filter and served with half cream and sugar.

Europeans prefer espresso or latte. In Italy drink one or two cups of espresso, which they call doppio.

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I was lucky enough to visit all seven continents and learn a different approach to coffee preparing and drinking.

About working conditions

Working conditions at Starbucks are excellent. Aa a barista, I could form my schedule. Each barista has to work 12 to 39 working hours a week, but because of my admission to the University, I worked about 20 hours a week.

My responsibilities include helping customers in the coffee shop, working with the cash register, taking orders, cleaning, heating food in the oven, creating drinks, communicating with customers and being a team player.

If you are friendly, sociable and ready to work, it will be easy to become a barista. Keep in mind that coffee shops hire a barista for six months or more.

The average salary of a barista is slightly higher than the minimum official salary of the state. In Oregon, the minimum wage is $10.75 per hour, and every year this amount increases, as well as a bonus are tips. In my state, a rookie can start with $12.50 an hour.

Working at Starbucks, you got free drinks before and after your shift, as well as free food for each work shift. Besides, every week you get a free pound of coffee.

Tips for beginners barista

― do everything to be kinder to others

— be simple, people appreciate it

― create unique drinks for customers

― explain to customers how you prepare their drink, so they can more accurately describe their preferences.


Arman Shamenov, 22 years old, hometown ― Stepnyak, barista

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About choosing a profession

I have been working as a barista since 2016.

About coffee culture in Kazakhstan

Coffee culture in Kazakhstan is at the stage of development, but there are positive dynamics. New coffee shops were opened, companies engaged in the import and roasting of green beans appeared. Coffee festivals and championships are also held.

Kazakhstani barista starting to go global. Recently, our compatriot Ashirbekov Ratmir performed at the world barista championship in Germany in the category of "Coffee-alcohol" and showed an excellent result.

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There are not so many coffee shops in Astana, about 60-80. In Almaty, the figure is much higher.

There are also barista courses in Astana, where anyone can learn how to prepare coffee properly and tasty.

About working conditions

I work five days a week for eight hours. Every morning begins with the preparation of the showcase, calibration of espresso machines and coffee grinders. Behind the concept of "delicious coffee" is a whole culture of growing, processing, roasting and cooking coffee beans. The taste of good coffee, its base ― careful attitude to the coffee bean on its way from the plantation to the cup.

There is a demand for a barista in Astana, but employers want to get high-quality specialists at once, and they are not ready to invest in their training. On the other hand, young employees who do not have enough knowledge are waiting for high wages. It is important to develop in your field.

Barista is not only a specialist in coffee making, but we also work with people, so you need to communicate with them, to find an individual approach.

The average salary of a barista in Astana 110,000 — 130,000 tenge, beginners gets on 30,000 — 40,000 less.

Tips for beginners barista

― find like-minded people

― be a psychologist

― take it easy.

About the plans

To study and develop, to become a first-class specialist.


Nikolay Strelnikov, 35 years old, hometown ― Novokuznetsk, barista, coach


About choosing a profession

Since 2002 I've been working as a barista and since 2007 I've been training young barista.

About coffee culture in Russia

Earlier in Russia, many people drank coffee at home, brewed it with the help of the cezve. However, now the culture of coffee consumption has advanced. The drink has become popular, the word "barista" sounds in every coffee shop, and people do not complain about a small amount of espresso. But high-quality coffee can be found only in major cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Now in St. Petersburg more than 800 coffee shops, but only a few prepare qualitative coffee.

In Russia, people often prefer coffee with the addition of syrups and other sweet additives. But barista and owners of coffee shops try to promote the taste of real coffee, without syrups and other additives.

Coffee in Russia is often prepared based on espresso, as is done in Europe. In America, the method of making coffee using filters is common, and the volume of coffee cups in the States starts from 350 millilitres or more.

There are many barista training centres in St. Petersburg.

Coffee trends in Russia are closely related to the British coffee culture. But coffee trends in the UK reach us in three or four years and become relevant in Russia.


Also, in Russia, there is a Specialty Coffee Organization ― an official organization engaged in various events, conferences and competitions.

About working conditions

I have a free schedule. Sometimes I spend 16 hours in the workplace, and sometimes only 4-6 hours.

According to GOST, it's necessary to work 170 hours per month, but in fact, the barista works much more, up to 200-300 hours per month. I recommend the young barista and managers of coffee shops to prevent overwork of the employees, as it negatively affects workflow.

As a training manager, I am responsible for the quality of classes, the structure of the program and the provision of the necessary equipment for training. I conduct classes no more than the optimal time for training of four hours. The training lasts from two to five days. Mostly I train beginners, but there are classes for an experienced barista.

Average barista salary — 30,000 — 35,000 rubles per month excluding tips.

For newcomers, it's easy to get a job. You can go to places and look at the equipment to find a good coffee shop. If the coffee shop is ready to pay for high-quality equipment, it means this place has an opportunity for professional growth.

Tips for beginners barista

― constant growth, don't stop to improve

― try different types of coffee and other products in general

― participate in events and competitions among baristas

― cleanliness in the workplace.

About the plans

I'm in search of a new vector of development. Maybe I'll open my coffee shop or start making coffee beans.

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