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How Central Asia is developing this week: key news and achievements


How Central Asia is developing this week: key news and achievements

A brief overview of the latest news and developments from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, highlighting the most significant social and regional events.


Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan strengthen economic ties

Agreements totaling $43.5 million were signed at a business forum in Astana, with discussions focused on joint projects in agriculture, light industry, and construction. Notable initiatives include the establishment of a joint elevator manufacturing plant and the supply of Kazakhstani tea to Uzbekistan.

Source: daryo.uz

Kazakh ceremony "Betashar" Added to UNESCO Heritage List

The traditional Kazakh "Betashar" ceremony was inscribed on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List, highlighting the importance of preserving Central Asian traditions.

Source: astanatimes.co

Kazakh chess player conquers three FIDE world rankings

20-year-old Kazakhstani Bibisara Asaubaeva has topped the International Chess Federation FIDE rankings. She became the best in the world in both blitz and rapid chess competitions for girls under 20.

Source: zakon.kz

Biology teacher from Abai region becomes sound producer for Nicki Minaj

A biology teacher working at the Karaul village school spends his free time making music and collaborating with global stars. He officially announced that he became the sound producer for the deluxe version of Nicki Minaj's album.

Source: tengrinews.kz

18-year-old Kazakh receives Princess Diana International Award

Diana Murzagaliyeva has been awarded the Princess Diana Award for her outstanding social work. This prestigious award, established in memory of Princess Diana, is presented by the charity bearing her name and supported by her sons, Prince William and Prince Harry.

Source: inform.kz


Kyrgyzstani Zhanylsynzat Turganbaeva named one of the 100 most influential women in the world

Zhanylsynzat Turganbaeva, director of the "Supara" ethnocomplex, has been included in the BBC's list of the 100 inspiring and influential women of 2024.

Source: kaktus.media

Direct flight from Bishkek to Thailand launched

On December 5, the first direct flight from Bishkek to Phuket, Thailand took off. Flights will be operated weekly on Thursdays until February 27.

Source: 24.kg


Uzbekistan secures new grant agreement with Germany for "green" economy

Uzbekistan has signed an agreement with Germany for a new €9 million grant aimed at supporting the development and implementation of "green" master plans.

Source: spot.uz

Uzbek woman named among the 100 most inspiring and influential women by BBC

The BBC has included Uzbek seamstress and entrepreneur Diloro Yuldosheva in its list of 100 inspiring and influential women of 2024.

Source: gazeta.uz

Uzbek citizens can stay in China without a visa for 30 days

The foreign ministers of Uzbekistan and China have signed an agreement allowing citizens to travel between the two countries without a visa for up to 30 days.

Source: gazeta.uz

Omani bank to open in Uzbekistan

Oman's Sohar International Bank plans to enter the Uzbek market. The bank operates in six sectors, including Islamic banking.

Source: spot.uz


Tajikistan National Academy of Sciences and Akita University of Japan collaborate to address global challenges

The two parties discussed expanding cooperation in areas such as natural resource research, energy, geology, mining, water resources, and hydropower. Special attention was given to hosting international consultations, conferences, and symposia between Tajik and Japanese scientists, as well as supporting young researchers.

Source: khovar.tj

"Mehrgon Festival" officially registered in UNESCO's Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage

The traditional Tajik festival "Mehrgon" has been officially included in UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Additionally, another joint nomination from Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Uzbekistan, "Art of crafting and playing rubab," was also officially added to the Representative List.

Source: khovar.tj

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