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How a girl from Uzbekistan became a popular singer at age 21 and opened a TikTok house


How a girl from Uzbekistan became a popular singer at age 21 and opened a TikTok house

Blogger and singer Rukhsora Mirzhalilova from Uzbekistan talked about how she came to music, the challenges on her path and features of Uzbek show business.

Rukhsora Mirzhalilova, 21, Tashkent, musician, blogger, @ruhsoraemm


About myself

I am an ordinary girl from a small town. I have a big traditional Uzbek family. There are no musicians among my relatives. My grandparents are professors. Other relatives are scientists, doctors. So not everyone accepted my decision to go into music. But I've always had a love for creativity.

My nickname is Ruhsoraemm. The letter «M» is a reference to the first letter of my last name. I've been watching YouTube bloggers with bright names since I was a kid: Ruslana Gee, Masha Wei, Sasha Spielberg. I wanted to have a nickname that would be different from the others. And when people started to recognize me because of it, I realized that I made the right decision.

Now most my friends call me Ru.

How I came to be an artist

My mother told me that I sang my first song when I was six years old. It was a song by Sofia Rotaru: «I'll name the planet by your name».
I was a Disney fan, loved Selena Gomez. I grew up watching Nelly Furtado, Mariah Carey, Craig David and Rihanna. Every day I planted toys in a row and sang songs for them. Later, I called my neighbors and did concerts for them and performed at school. It was important for me to be the center of attention.

One day I went to a choir lesson at a music school. I went there with a friend. I was noticed by the teacher — Mansur Ishatovich. He offered to sing and said that I had great potential. After that I went to music school without telling my parents. And when I recorded my first song, I confessed that I was studying vocals and invited them to a performance. My mom came, but dad didn't. But he defended me and supported me when the class teacher said that I had no future in music.


After graduation, I worked as a Seller to record my first album. I posted song covers on Instagram and gained a small audience.

In 2018, she participated in the Uzbek prototype of Star Factory. Despite her parents' prohibition, she performed in concerts as part of the show, competing against experienced artists. It was a cool experience, after which I was offered a role in a TV series. Acting brought me more popularity.

I even ran away from home once because of disagreements with my family. I didn't understand that it was trying to run away from problems. At that point I wrote the track «Daddy», and then I created one of the first TikTok houses in the Uzbekistan called «Lemon». I got different guys together, we found a sponsor and quickly gained popularity. Then I realized that I could promote myself, start a project, and get a return.

On the creative path there are various failures and difficult moments. But now I cooperate with famous bloggers, including those from Kazakhstan. I perform on stage, write music.

About inspiration

Music makes me happy. It gives me motivation to go on living, to do something. Also, it's a ticket to a good and decent life. I'm not ashamed to say that I aspire to fame and popularity. I know I'm going to make it.

I get inspiration when I talk to creative people, read books or watch movies.

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I also get inspired by people with history. When I communicate with such personalities, I understand that everything is possible. For example, a fit with Ariana Grande. That's what I strive for.

About the projects

I am creative: I sing, act in TV series, write a book. I would like my scripts to be used in a movie or a short series. As soon as I get back on my feet, I'll do it.

Now I am doing a big project in Istanbul. It is the shooting of my first professional music video. We are working with a big team; they are experts in their field. I think the video will be cool.

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