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Eco-friendly lifestyle in Finland: forest in the city, waste-free kitchen and electric cars


Eco-friendly lifestyle in Finland: forest in the city, waste-free kitchen and electric cars

Julia Tuovila, 34 years old, hometown — Samara, teacher of English and German, @julia_finnswife

I have lived in Finland for four years. Before moving I travelled a lot, and Finland is similar and different from other European countries.

Eco-friendly lifestyle is harmoniously integrated into the daily life of the Finns, and they have formed eco-thinking since childhood. They treat the consequences of actions responsibly.

Eco-friendly lifestyle in Finland: forest in the city, waste-free kitchen and electric cars

Unity with nature

In Finland, the love for the environment is not limited to waste sorting and other technologies. It all starts with the attitude to nature as a to home, it is their element, a place to live and relax.

Helsinki is known for architecture, but the city also has many forest and protected areas. The city and nature in Finland coexist in harmony. The city fits into the forest space. At the same time, you are in nature and civilization. This need to be seen and felt.

The city and nature in Finland coexist in harmony

Finnish design characterized by natural elements: wood, plants, green. You feel at one with nature everywhere.

Refusal from plastic

Environmental problems have not spared Finland, and the Finns are puzzled by the solution of this issue. As a resident, I notice that on the shelves with disposable utensils, plastic is gradually replaced by utensils made of thin wooden fibre.

Waste-free lifestyle

Two restaurants in Helsinki striving for a waste-free kitchen. Many stores distribute bread to the needy or make discounts on products with an expiring shelf life, so the food is not lost.

Eco-friendly lifestyle at home

Everyday life has everything to make it easy for people to live environmentally. The houses in advance provide space for several buckets, bags for biodegradable waste. "Organic" cosmetics are popular among friends.

The use of solar and wind energy is becoming popular. It is both environmentally friendly and financially more profitable than electricity.

Elena Sizova, 35 years old, hometown — Togliatti, event manager, marketer, @ecohappy

Before moving I lived in Sochi, worked in the field of event organization. I thought about living on an island but in civilization. In a country where people live consciously, environmentally friendly towards themselves and the environment. Five years later I was in Finland, and I live here for a year and a half.

Finland has advantages and disadvantages, but the standard of living here is not comparable to what I have seen before.

If people lead an eco-friendly lifestyle, it is reflected in everything, in consuming and in the attitude towards people. Personal space is valuable in Finland.

Eco-friendly lifestyle in Finland: forest in the city, waste-free kitchen and electric cars

Love for animals

I have always been concerned about the life of homeless animals, and in Finland, you will not find them at all. Cats and dogs not exterminated, they are respected, sterilized and attached to shelters. People often take home a few pets, and animal rights law is strict.

Walking through the neighbourhoods, you can see the container with water poured by locals for wild animals

I'm used to hares, foxes, squirrels and people with a few dogs on a leash. Walking through the neighbourhoods, you can see the container with water poured by locals for wild animals. Each neighbourhood has a fenced area and a bio-toilet for dogs. In every supermarket biodegradable bags and goodies.

Garbage sorting

The second main problem for mankind is waste. Finland has a standard on waste separation. It is not observed by everyone, but everyone can separate metal, glass, cardboard and packaging from chemical products. All apartments have at least three bins. When you come to throw out the garbage, you see everything is neat and clean, odourless, so you don't want to do it otherwise.

Secondary using

Locals practice the system of transfer of old things. This applies to electronics, clothing.

The main topic of Helsinki Fashion Week was ecology. All the materials looked rich and of high quality. But the basis of these masterpieces was the skin of mushrooms and recycled plastic.

Electric car

Finland has incredibly high taxes on diesel cars. Therefore, many travel on hybrids or electric cars.


If you find a vega-brochure for tourists, you can see places with vegetarian food, vintage shops and other interesting places.

Eco-friendly lifestyle can be seen in art, exhibitions in museums, eco-showrooms.

Organic food

Finns have patriotism for local products, although they are much more expensive than others. This includes local cosmetics.

Finland is a country of berries. When I came here, I realized berry paradise exists.

Darina Catsoudas, 29 years old, hometown — Helsinki, journalist, blogger, @miss_catsoudas

I came to Finland 17 years ago from St. Petersburg. I graduated from the faculty of philology from the University of Helsinki. Now I'm a freelance journalist, audiobook reader and blogger.

The lifestyle in Finland is unique. Here people are always in the "flow". There is no rush and stress, only concentration, clear plans and confidence in the future. All spheres of life are thought out to the smallest detail, law and order observed in everything. People live honestly, but quite closed. It is not acceptable to talk about personal things and experience with a stranger, to show emotions, to make a row outside the walls of the house, to express dissatisfaction in person.

No stray animals or old people are begging. There are services to help the poor.


People in the country pay big taxes and understand why. Finland has good roads, green parks, clean lakes, free education and medical care, well-maintained homes, quick response to any problem. The state cares about the environment, and people protect nature. The country has issues, but you see how issues concerning society resolved.

For Finns, nature and ecology are extremely important. In kindergartens, children told how important it is to be part of society and to work together for the country where they live to prosper. People grow up and can not imagine life without caring about the environment. Here way more of those who think about the environment and make a contribution than others.

Reducing the use of plastic

Finland is reducing the use of plastic. People replace plastic with decaying materials wherever possible. For example, the country introduced the use of biodegradable bags.

Finland has an alternative to plastic packaging — Woodly wrap, made of softwood pulp. It will be used for food packaging and as a coating for containers and disposable tableware.

Innovation and technology

One of the ecological innovations: this year the first robotic bus started its work. It runs driverless between one popular metro station and the beach. Travel on it is free.

The bus is part of an ecological project Sohjoa Baltic. According to the developers, such transport soon will replace conventional buses on the routes of the "last kilometre", from neighbourhoods to major transport hubs. This will improve air quality and preserve the nature of the Baltic Sea.

The country uses solar panels and wind turbines to generate energy. Technologies are being actively introduced to transfer people from cars to public transport. Rental bicycles, electric scooters work by the application on the phone.

The larger the engine, the more expensive the tax, and therefore more profitable to choose a car with a smaller engine. Or a car powered by electricity.

Organic food

Finland produces organic agricultural products such as grains, vegetables, fruits, meat, milk and eggs. Processed foods like bread, cheese, sausages, baby food and sweets are produced from this raw material. Every fifth person in Finland is a regular consumer of organic food.

Finland produces organic agricultural products such as grains, vegetables, fruits, meat, milk and eggs

Waste sorting and recycling

Finnish laws specify in detail the aspects of waste recycling, reuse, transportation and disposal of each category of waste. The price of a car, for example, initially includes the cost of recycling scrap metal and the price of drugs – the cost of recycling hazardous pharmaceutical waste.

Clothes, glass, cardboard, paper, bio-raw materials, plastic sorted and taken out to the appropriate containers located at each house.

Electronic devices, equipment, batteries and light bulbs can be handed over to large stores.

Cans and bottles are handed over at special collection points in each grocery store. And you get money for it.

Caring for nature

Finns for the preservation of nature, so forests and parks are not cut down, and new neighbourhoods fit into the forest.

Fishing and hunting take place only with special permits.

Finland monitors the volume and quality of surface water and groundwater. Water can be drunk from the tap.

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