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Dry cleaners in Bishkek: where to take your clothes for washing and refreshing


Dry cleaners in Bishkek: where to take your clothes for washing and refreshing

Dry cleaners in Bishkek offer a wide range of services to help maintain the quality and appearance of your items, from delicate fabrics to everyday clothing. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of dry cleaners in the city and described the services they provide.

Art of cleaning, @art_of_cleaning

This dry cleaner offers a full range of services for everyday clothing, outerwear, home textiles, as well as leather and fur items. They also provide dyeing services for clothing and headwear.

Cristals, @cristals.kg

Cristals offers professional cleaning of shoes, outerwear, and everyday clothes using German cleaning technology. They operate daily and provide discounts on Sundays.

“Yuzhnaya”, @drycleaning.kg

This dry cleaner provides services for clothing, outerwear, suits, home textiles, and items made of fur, leather, and suede. They work daily, with turnaround times ranging from one hour to 24 hours, depending on the complexity of the task.

Apetta, @apetta_kg

Apetta offers professional cleaning, restoration, and rehabilitation services for clothing. You can drop off your dirty clothes and pick them up clean. They also provide delivery services.

White Orchid, @himchistka_kg

They can handle cleaning tasks of various complexities, including wedding dresses, car seats, and pregnancy pillows. They operate daily.

“Novost”, @clean.kg

This dry cleaner provides services for cleaning items, linens, blankets, and curtains, as well as dyeing cotton products.

Chistov, @chistov.kg

They offer cleaning and restoration services for clothing, as well as mobile cleaning for furniture, washing carpets and curtains, restoration and dyeing of clothing, with free delivery for orders over 2000 som. They operate daily without breaks or days off.

Eco Dry, @ecodry.kg

Eco Dry provides cleaning services for items made from various materials, including outerwear, soft toys, and delicate textiles like silk, cashmere, and wool.

Sole Fresh, @solefresh_bishkek

Sole Fresh is the first dry cleaner in Bishkek dedicated to cleaning shoes of any complexity. The cleaning process takes five to seven days and involves seven stages. Services include color restoration, suede dyeing, bleaching, and removing salt and chemical stains.

Expressxim, @express.xim

Expressxim offers professional cleaning for outerwear, woolen items, fur and leather products, as well as soft toys, while preserving their shape and color.

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