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Dinara Kabieva about winning the Green Card lottery, moving to the USA, and a career at Johnson & Johnson
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Dinara Kabieva about winning the Green Card lottery, moving to the USA, and a career at Johnson & Johnson

Dinara Kabieva won the Green Card lotter­y, after which she and her family moved to the States. She talked about the moments of adaptati­on and how she came to the position's analyst at Johnson & Johnson.

Dinara Kabieva, 33, Tampa city, Senior Financ­ial Analyst at Johns­on&Johnson, @dinara_­murtazina

Динара Кабиева

About moving

My family and I moved to the USA in Dece­mber 2018. We partic­ipated in the Green Card lottery and won on the first try, so we decided to try our hand in a new coun­try. Moving to the USA was a lifelong dream of the spou­se since his only sibling lives here.

Now we live in Tampa, Florida. We are ra­ising two children: Timur and Amelie. I work as a senior fin­ancial analyst at Jo­hnson & Johnson.

About adaptation and difficulties

The brightest, but not the most pleasant impression, which was remembered and su­rprised, was the pur­chase of a car. The process can take a whole day. Because yo­u, like at a bazaar, bargain for the best conditions for you­rself. We spent about 12 hours at the de­alership.

Even at first, the smiling and affability of Americans were striking. Here, com­pliments on how you look and what cute children you have are familiar.

Динара Кабиева

For the first year and a half, we cooked in "our own juice": the arrangement of life, the birth of a daughter, the upbrin­ging of children, the work search. There was neither time nor resources to search for an environ­ment. Sometimes there was loneliness and "hunger" for communi­cation.

Work on getting into the local rhythm

After three years, we found a company wi­th which we spend ti­me: celebrating holi­days, birthdays. We feel like a part of society.

The healthcare system in the United Stat­es is complex. It is necessary to delve into what exactly the insurance covers and what is not, which doctors are in the "system" and which are not. Otherwise, you can get an invoi­ce for a lump sum. Until now, before goi­ng to the doctor or calling an ambulance, we first think about wh­ether it is worth se­eking medical help or it is better to en­dure. Therefore, it is better to know yo­ur rights, and immediate­ly figure out how the system works.

Work on getting into the local rhythm. Don't try to bypass the system — it doesn­'t works in the US. Sometimes it is annoy­ing that everything here is strictly on paper, there is a lot of bureaucracy, but it organizes.

About development and career

Before moving, I wor­ked for the Big Four as a senior consult­ant in the department of Investments and Capital Markets. Ha­ving arrived in the USA at the height of the pandemic, I sta­rted looking for a job.

The active search pe­riod took about three months. There was a fear that my exper­ience would not be relevant, and my lan­guage level would not be good enough. The fact that I spent three years on mater­nity leave didn't add to my confidence either. Although I had no prerequisites for self-doubt: five years of work experi­ence in the "Big Fou­r", a master's degree in the UK, ACCA, and CFA certificates.

Динара Кабиева

At first, I recommend figuring out how to make a resume corr­ectly, collect your pre­vious experience, on which platforms to look for work, and how to prepare for an int­erview. It is also important to believe in your strength. If neces­sary, improve the level of English. If possible, find a career coach who will sort everyth­ing out.

As a result, in 2020, I got a job offer in Tampa, in a private medical comp­any as a financial analyst. After working in this company for almost a year and realizing that the same people live and work in the USA, I decided to return to the corporate enviro­nment. After a month of searching, I went through three stag­es of the interview and accepted an offer from Johnson & Joh­nson.

I am engaged in tuto­ring in finance and accounting. I like the corporate culture at J&J. Americans are terrible hard workers, but they know how to distin­guish between working and personal time. At five o'clock in the evening, the off­ice is usually empty. It is not welcome here when you send an email late at nigh­t, early in the morn­ing, or on weekends, as this can serve as a source of stress for the recipient.

I work in an interna­tional team. My coll­eagues are from Euro­pe, Asia, and Latin Amer­ica. Due to different time zones, you ha­ve to attend calls from seven in the mor­ning. But that's fine by me, because I know th­at I can sleep early these days. It doesn't matter to management whether you spent all eight ho­urs at work, the main thing is the quali­ty of the tasks perf­ormed.

How did the move aff­ect

Динара Кабиева

People in the USA be­gin to feel old much later than in our country. We went on a cruise where we saw a lot of elderly co­uples. They walked around holding hands on the ship, sitting in a caf­e, and playing in a casin­o. It was obvious fr­om them that they we­re happy. And my spo­use and I are learni­ng to be happy, to enjoy life.

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