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Swimming pools in Dushanbe: where to relax or train


Swimming pools in Dushanbe: where to relax or train

Swimming pools in Dushanbe offer a wide range of services, whether you're looking for a place to swim, take aqua aerobics classes, or simply want to refresh yourself over the weekend. Here are five swimming pools in Dushanbe suitable for both professional swimmers and beginners.

“55 GYM Aqua”, @55gym_aqua

“55 GYM” in Dushanbe offers not only a gym for men and women but also a great swimming pool available for both adults and children. The pool hosts training sessions and competitions to develop sports skills. Special attention is given to women, with designated hours for comfortable swimming. In addition to pool activities, the complex also offers therapeutic massage.

“x-fit.tj” pool, x-fit.tj

At “x-fit.tj” in Dushanbe, there are two swimming pools: the first, 25 meters long, is suitable for all visitors regardless of age or gender. The second, smaller pool is designated for women, providing a more comfortable environment for training. Both pools offer individual and group programs.

"Takhtacha" pool, @bassein_takhtacha_

"Takhtacha" Pool is a public swimming pool in Dushanbe offering comfortable conditions for relaxation and training. The pool maintains a comfortable water temperature of 27°C, with a length of 21 meters and a depth ranging from two to three meters. The complex also has a dry sauna available.

“Tennis Palace and Water Sports Complex”, @sportkompleks.tj

“Tennis Palace and Water Sports Complex” is the largest sports complex in Dushanbe, offering opportunities for water sports enthusiasts. Swimming courses for all levels of training are available here.

“Spa Hayot” complex, @spahayot

The “Spa Hayot” complex offers a wide range of services for relaxation and recovery, including a gym and swimming pool. Swimming sessions help relieve tension. The complex also provides jacuzzi, relaxing massage, stone therapy, Thai and Turkish four-hand massages, and gentle peels.

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