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Designers from Italy, Russia and Kazakhstan about earning 10,000 euros and 14 hours of work per day


Designers from Italy, Russia and Kazakhstan about earning 10,000 euros and 14 hours of work per day

Adele Tessitore, 29 years old, hometown ― Naples, Italy, junior designer, stylist

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About career choice

I made doll dresses from napkins when I was six years old. I never thought of it as a job. But I always felt the passion which guided me and eventually led me to the Fashion Academy of Naples.

I realized I wanted to move in the direction of "style/fashion" to expand my knowledge and apply in practice, to create something unique. Every time I bought some clothes and realized that it didn't fit me, doesn't have a message and can't express me. I became a fashion designer to share my style and vision of fashion with the world.

I became a fashion designer to share my style and vision of fashion with the world

About the fashion industry in Italy

The advantages of Italian clothing that the line "Made in Italy" is highly appreciated abroad. However, many companies create brands and clothing lines from the point of view of "fast fashion" instead of doing qualitatively verified things. This harms the Italian economy and fashion designers who work for large companies and receive a modest salary.

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In the region in which I live — Campania, opportunities for a fashion designer are not extensive. I have to lower my expectations to work with local companies, but I try to work with those who understand my needs. Sooner or later I want to move to the North of Italy, where the opportunities for professional growth are much higher.

About working conditions

I used to work as a fashion designer in large companies that specialized in "fast fashion". I worked 8-9 hours a day, drew 10-20 sketches. Now I have moved to freelance and work three or four hours a day.

My responsibilities included creating a model, thinking over a new idea and discussing it with a fashion designer. So I could see if it was possible to make an idea come true. As a freelancer, I am responsible for the creativity of the work and guarantee good sales. I also work as a stylist with photographer Rossella Silvestri and videographer Gaetano Acunzo.

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The average salary of a full-time fashion designer varies in the redistribution of 700-1000 euros per month. The beginning designer can receive from 1000 to 4500 euros per month and a senior designer from 4500 to 10,000 euros.

For beginners easy to start work in this field, but do not expect high pay. In our industry, the work of newcomers is always a battle of creative ideas.

About plans

I live every day as if it is the future and I try achieving my goals. My plans for the future are to win "battles", climb up the career ladder and become a famous fashion designer.

Amalia Grigoryan, 27 years old, hometown — Ulan-Ude, fashion designer

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About career choice

My active creative activity started in February 2017. I was scared, but the main thing is courage. My mother is my inspiration when I was a child she created interesting and beautiful outfits for me. I followed every step of the sewing with a sinking heart and was delighted every time.

I started sewing after graduation. The reason was the economic crisis, as there were no vacancies in my speciality. Then I took a quick sewing course. I had a great desire to create, not to earn and began to sew the first skirts and dresses for myself and friends.

After much deliberation, decided to open a studio for sewing. Later I started working on my own projects. Thanks to the annual contest Baikal Fashion Week, I demonstrated my collection, which many viewers considered as one of the most memorable.

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The idea of creating feminine images using ethnic character wasn't easy for me, as it was necessary to carefully choose the material, which is hard to find. The Precious Story collection is composed of beautiful feminine bows with an accentuated waist and folk elements. The interesting cut in combination with embroidery and fringe were the reason for the success of this collection.

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About the fashion industry in Russia

Currently, the fashion industry in Russia is rapidly developing. Every day more and more people create their own clothes. However, there is a big problem such as copying.

From the point of view of Russian law, the fact of plagiarism is difficult to prove. Due to the lack of formalities arise difficulties in proving the design of the product is copied. Even small changes may indicate the creation of new intellectual activity result.

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Despite this, Russia already has well-known designers: Bella Potemkina, Lyudmila Norsoyan, Alena Akhmadulina, Denis Simachev and many others.

About working conditions

A person who loves own job will never say it has disadvantages. Pros: expanding horizons, developing skills, pleasant acquaintances, customer gratitude.

I can note that the client doesn't always understand that designer clothing is not cheap. After all, the thing created by individual preferences, requires more time and perseverance, unlike the mass clothing.

I love creativity, and the time spent on my favourite thing brings me joy

In my work, the most important thing is to understand what the client wants. Necessary to explain to the client that without the participation and good mood the fitting wouldn't give a result. The client is also a partner in the process.

I don't have a specific work schedule. I can sew all night without noticing how quickly time has flown by. There were times when I worked for two days without sleep. I love creativity, and the time spent on my favourite thing brings me joy.

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I don't know how much other fashion designers earn in Russia, but personally, I earn above the average salary in Russia and work alone.

The cost of the order depends on the complexity of the product, the material and my employment.

About plans

In the future, I plan to open a small factory with a limited number of designer clothing. In addition, I want to continue to sew to order, as many people have a good imagination and suggest wonderful ideas.

Naiyl Baikuchukov, 34 years old, hometown — Zhanatas, fashion designer

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About career choice

I was engaged in the design of clothes since childhood but never thought to turn it into the profession. I won my first competition among designers in the eighth grade. I was the only schoolboy, basically, there were students and older people.

This collection was my first design project. At the talent show at school, I did a fashion show while the other participants had song and dance numbers. The show was great, the collection made a splash, and the audience was surprised.

About the fashion industry in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan's fashion industry is developed, but a huge number of pseudo-designers devalue the importance of the profession. Fashion design is not a technical sphere, and the creative component is important here. A fashion designer must have a certain talent.

Fashion design is not a technical sphere, and the creative component is important here

The disadvantage of work as a fashion designer in Kazakhstan is the lack of high professional growth. Here you reach a certain level and there is no further progress. Plus, that Kazakhstanis have become more likely to choose clothes of domestic brands, which is not inferior to European analogues. My works are popular, people often order a wedding and a variety of dresses. Kazakhstanis began to appreciate and respect our work.

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In Kazakhstan, a huge number of fashion designers but not all can be considered professionals and exhibit their collections abroad. However, I can easily name the top-10 designers whose work will not be inferior to European masters.

About working conditions

The work is carried out in the following stages:

— defining the theme of the collection

— study of trends

— sketching

— fabric selection

— collection of patterns and fabric cutting

— transfer of clothing for sewing and embroidery.

Only after all these steps, you see the finished result. Between the idea and the final version is a great technological process. Sometimes the sketch clothing may look ideal, but difficulties arise at the sewing process. Therefore, creating clothes is a permanent change and improvement. It is a difficult and time-consuming way, at the same time it is fascinating.

The most difficult thing in my work is working with clients. Since most of the time, I work with women, there are incidents when a client has decided to change everything. The mood of a woman like the weather, so the fashion designer must be a psychologist who is able to win over the client and bring the process to the final stage.

I work 14 hours a day and don't think that's a problem. I like my work and do it with pleasure. I live by my work.

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On average, one of our order costs 700,000 tenge. I can not say exactly how much I earn per month, as I work without sponsorship and all the money I spend on the purchase of fabrics, renting, support of shops. Money is always in circulation, but I have enough for life.

About plans

The plans to develop further as a fashion designer and conquer new heights. My dream is to become a world-famous fashion designer and every day I work to pretend it in life.

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