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  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

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Dental clinics in Astana: where to treat your teeth in the capital of Kazakhstan


Dental clinics in Astana: where to treat your teeth in the capital of Kazakhstan

Dental clinics in Astana offer a wide range of services, from preventive care and treatments to aesthetic dentistry. Let's take a look at some of the well-known dental clinics in the city, their offerings, technologies, and treatment methods.

“Doctor Dent”, @doctor_dent

“Doctor Dent” clinic provides diagnostics and treatment for dental issues of any complexity for both adults and children, including gum diseases and tooth extractions. Specialists perform dental prosthetics with various crowns and veneers, implants, and bite correction using braces and aligners. The clinic also offers artistic restoration and teeth whitening services.

“One Dent”, @onedent.kz

“One Dent” is a dental clinic offering a wide range of services for both adults and children. The clinic provides treatment under sedation with Sevoran. “One Dent” specialists handle artistic restoration, veneer placement, surgical treatments, and care for gum diseases and cavities. Other services include professional oral hygiene, braces for bite correction, implants, and prosthetics.

“Bas Dent”, @bas.dent

“Bas Dent” is a dental clinic offering a full spectrum of dental health services. The clinic specializes in gnathology, providing complete dental check-ups, diagnostics, cavity and gum treatments, and tooth extractions. “Bas Dent” offers braces, aligners, implants, prosthetics, and professional teeth cleaning. For comfort, treatments include anesthesia, sedation, and microsurgery.

“Bai Dent”, @bai.dent

“Bai Dent” is a dental clinic offering a wide range of services. Procedures available include tooth extractions of any complexity, treatment of various dental diseases, implants, and both removable and fixed prosthetics. Bai Dent specialists also perform veneer installation, crown fixation, and treatment for alveolitis and periodontitis.

“EliteStom”, @elitestom_astana

“Eleon Clinic” offers a full range of services to improve both dental health and aesthetics. Specialists at EliteStom perform prosthetics, treatments, implants, and bite correction with braces. The clinic also provides professional teeth cleaning and veneer placements for a perfect smile. “Eleon Clinic” creates its own crowns, veneers, and prosthetics.

"Smile laboratory", @lab.smile.astana

"Smile laboratory" dental clinic offers a wide range of services for both adults and children. The clinic features highly qualified specialists: orthodontists, dental surgeons, and pediatric orthodontists. Services include implants, tooth treatments, and extractions. The clinic also offers free consultations.

“Dr. Edil Boribay Digital Dentistry Center”, @dr.edil.boribay

“Dr. Edil Boribay Digital Dentistry Center” provides a complete set of services to enhance dental health and aesthetics. Procedures include treatments for teeth and gums, tooth extractions, implants, restorations, and prosthetics. The clinic also offers professional cleaning and teeth whitening, as well as braces, aligners, and veneers for a beautiful smile.

“Dental Clinic”, @dentalclinic.kz

“Dental Clinic” is a dental practice in Astana offering a wide range of services for both adults and children. The clinic specializes in braces installation, implants, prosthetics, and dental treatments. Professional cleaning and teeth whitening services are also available.

“Qazaq Dent”, @qazaq_dentist

“Qazaq Dent” is a dental clinic in Astana offering a wide range of services: implants, orthodontics, sinus lifting, tooth extractions, and pediatric dentistry. The clinic provides quality fillings, crown manufacturing, and prosthetics. There is a free consultation available, and treatments for both children and adults can be performed with sevoran gas for painless procedures.

“Family Dental Clinic”, @family_dental_astana

“Family Dental Clinic” is a dental clinic in Astana for both adults and children. Services include dental treatments, tooth extractions, braces, and implants. Pediatric services and orthodontic treatments are also available, along with free consultations.

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