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Cultural highlights of Central Asia: noteworthy events in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan


Cultural highlights of Central Asia: noteworthy events in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan

Take a look at our roundup of the week’s most captivating events in Central Asia.


Chef Days Show

When: November 5-6

Where: Astana

This event will bring together star chefs, international speakers, and restaurant business experts. Attendees will enjoy exhibitions, share experiences, and make new contacts.

Craft Fair

When: November 6-8

Where: Astana

The Green Mall will host a Craft Fair featuring unique products and projects.

Concert by Skillet

When: November 7

Where: Almaty

For the first time in Kazakhstan, a concert by Skillet — one of the best-selling rock bands of the 21st century and two-time Grammy nominees.

Concert by Skillet

When: November 6

Where: Astana

For the first time in Kazakhstan, a concert by Skillet — one of the best-selling rock bands of the 21st century and two-time Grammy nominees.

Solo Stand-Up Concert by Nyurgun Atakov

When: November 8

Where: Astana

Nyurgun Atakov is a Sakha comedian from Almaty, creator of the popular YouTube show “Turkic Phrasebook” and participant in the podcast “Dope Soz.”

Solo Stand-Up сoncert by Luka Khinikadze "Algorithm"

When: November 9

Where: Astana

Luka Khinikadze is a well-known stand-up comedian, participant in projects like "22 Comedians," Paramount Comedy, and "Open Mic".

Geek Flavio Fest

When: November 10

Where: Almaty

Geek Flavio Fest is dedicated to anime and geek culture, featuring contests, quizzes with prizes, exciting quests, tabletop gaming areas, and a cosplay parade.


Concert by Bakr

When: November 8

Where: Bishkek

A solo concert by Bakr, one of the most popular rap artists in Kyrgyzstan.

Asian Go Fest

When: November 10

Where: Bishkek

Expect zones dedicated to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures, workshops on traditional arts, shows featuring Japanese drums, Chinese guzheng, and Asian dances, as well as quizzes and contests with prizes.


The exhibition of Yigit Sattor "This is You"

When: November 2-December 2

Where: Tashkent

The exhibition will allow the viewer to delve into the fundamental dichotomy through the lens of abstract painting that shapes human consciousness. The exhibition aims to evoke a deep personal experience as it explores universal themes such as: light and darkness, connection and isolation, truth and illusion, chaos and order, beauty and harmony.

Concert of Ulug'bek Rahmatullayev

When: November 8-14

Where: Tashkent

Ulug'bek Rahmatullayev — uzbek singer, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan. In 2021, the singer released several new songs, including “Seni deya”, and “Jon onajon”, which became favorites among fans. In the following year, listeners enjoyed tracks such as “Yolg’onchim”, “Bekor sevdim”, and “Sevmaganimda”.

Startup Battle

When: November 13

Where: Tashkent

The U-Enter Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship announced the Startup Battle competition, which will be held as part of the Central Asian Startup Forum.


Concert of a French pianist

When: November 10

Where: Dushanbe

Join for an enchanting evening featuring a concert by a renowned French pianist. Experience a captivating performance that blends classical masterpieces with contemporary works, showcasing the pianist's exceptional talent and artistry.

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