
Recommend an inspiring person

WE matter who is close to us and to our families. We wish to be close to us only reliable people who can be trusted.

    Наши люди WE:

  • Наш Человек стремится создавать то, что улучшает жизнь людей

  • Наш Человек в общении с окружением честен и справедлив, порядочен и верен

  • Вы доверяете ему и уверены в его искренности

  • Наш Человек живет полной жизнью: любимая семья, достойное окружение, любимое дело, интересное хобби

  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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About myself

I love my job and family. My work is music. My family comprises my husband, daughter and father.

Speaking on the love towards work, self-expression is very important. If I feel blessed to be on stage, to sing, then I cannot waste my time in the office and answer the phone. That would kill my creative talent. I tried that but could not stand it and ran away. No matter how much they pay me, I was born to be on stage. The stage gives me a burst of energy, a flight of creative imagination and self-expression. That is the magic that I own, and I must do it.


I love and respect my husband. We’ve been together for 15 years. The most crucial is that he has never said a word against my job. Indeed, he does not demand, he understands my love to music. He loves me, loves music. He doesn’t have any stereotypes about Ambassador’s wife major. He knows that it is difficult to leave the Bolshoi Theater and that the work is important to me, as well as his work in the Foreign Ministry.

We have a bit different mentalities. We overcome some arduous moments, as love is more important than anything else. No matter what love it is: to each other, country, music, work.

I have a daughter who has been totally in music since childhood. She has two directions: a jazz singer with absolute hearing and an interpreter of English and Chinese.

The core principle of my life is not to be selfish

I like travelling. The Bolshoi Theater gave me the opportunity to travel, we’ve traveled almost the whole world. On our vacation my husband and I travel in Greece. That’s interesting, because Greece is so amazing and diverse: the sea, the shore, people, dishes, mountains, forests, rocks, state of mind. We collect such states, last time we went to the North-East of Greece in 2016, where I’d never been before. You can travel through Greece indefinitely - this is a paradise for those living on Earth.

And I love cooking. Since I was born in Ukraine, I know a lot of dishes of Ukrainian cuisine. I lived in Russia for a long and adore Russian cuisine too. As for Greek cuisine I like meat, fish. But, in general, I like to combine meals from various national cuisines. Most of all, I like to cook for my closest people. I invite my friends and they praise and give me an incentive to go on cooking.


The core principle of my life is not to be selfish. There’re so many things happening around and so many people who need you. I look around myself and see so much need in love, in a psychological understanding. The people around me need knowledge, and I can share it,I can radiate light and energy around myself, and I do this as I see people who are in need.

I try to approach things with a sense of humor and keep in mind not to let anger or depression spoil my day. I exclude the moments making me locked up.

About Astana

I love Russia and Greece and fell in love with Kazakhstan. I like being here.


Astana has an amazing architecture, it’s new, modern. I see Astana as a "city of future".

My first acquaintance with Kazakhstan happened when I being a student had a Kazakh roommate. It was when I tried beshbarmak for the first time. Moreover, when my daughter studied in Shanghai, her best friend was Kazakh.

I like people that I met here

My husband was appointed as an Ambassador of Greece in Kazakhstan in July 2016. I liked the city, all this sparkling novelty, gold, crystal.

My favorite place in Astana is the "Astana Opera" theater. Here I can see the beauty combined with a national feature. Actually you could build a new city that would be faceless, but your architecture has a Kazakh flavor. Music is well represented, the culture develops, all around has a national flavor. I’ve been to the premiere of "Kyz Zhibek" and "Madam Butterfly", which is phenomenal. I know the conductor Alan Buribayev rather well, we co-worked in Moscow.


I like people that I met here. I visited the University of Arts, where I had a meeting with Abilov Shahimardan Kaidarovich, a well-known teacher who travels all over the world, he helped many singers to recover and find their voice. I was pleased to meet him.

I have plans to study Kazakh songs, I like your national music. I’m fond of the song Kusni-Korlan, I’d like to sing it.

Not indifferent people and your life mission

My life mission is self-improvement. I have a drawback — perfectionism. You cannot always be on top, be the best. You have to allow yourself to be an ordinary person who lives an ordinary life. I improve myself. For example, recently I’ve finished a two-year advanced training course in "Gnesinka", I did it in order to have an additional major. In addition to being a soloist of a musical theater, I can teach vocal.

My life mission is self-improvement

Now I'm sitting and thinking over the thing I need to improve in myself, the thing that I cannot do now. I need to go forward all the time, I cannot stay still. It is desirable not to be alone in this matter, but to find like-minded people. I have one like-minded person - my husband, who supports me. You can do much more together with like-minded people in business. The main mission is probably to look for new creative ways and areas.


Current state of mind

I'm proud of things that I’ve achieved. I’m proud of my country, family, work.

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