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    Наши люди WE:

  • Наш Человек стремится создавать то, что улучшает жизнь людей

  • Наш Человек в общении с окружением честен и справедлив, порядочен и верен

  • Вы доверяете ему и уверены в его искренности

  • Наш Человек живет полной жизнью: любимая семья, достойное окружение, любимое дело, интересное хобби

  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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Coffee with Giuliana Caruso

Giuliana Caruso

Hometown — Catania, Director of the Business Year project in Kazakhstan


Coffee with Giuliana Caruso

About myself

I love and appreciate my family. My parents brought me up according to their life principles. I think that I am the result of what my parents are.

A family has a great meaning for Italians, as well as for you. We help each other, try to be close. I maintain close contact with my brother and sister and always try to help people whom I love.


I try to improve every day, to develop, not to stand still.

I like reading, fashion, visiting opera. Last week I was in Astana and once again visited the "Astana Opera" theater. I was delighted as usual, since it’s one of the most beautiful theaters that I’ve ever visited.

Doing one thing only makes me bored. I like juggling different issues and trying something that I haven’t done before.

I adore travelling. Unfortunately, today I don’t travel as much as I did before. In Europe it doesn’t take much time, as countries are not far from each other.

About Almaty

I arrived to Almaty in September 2011 with a work matters. I did not think that someday I would live here, but then life happened! I met my future husband in Almaty, so I decided to stay. We like living here, for now we don’t think of moving to another country.

At first I didn’t like Almaty. It was dark, and the place where I stopped was far from the center, even though eventually I fell in love with the city.

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Almaty is a unique city. There you can find anything, discovering something new every single day. Locals are a bit similar to Europeans, they’re open. I guess the thing is in a warm climate.

I like walking in Kalinin Street, it reminds me of Europe. I also like the park not far from my house which is along Tole bi Street and Abylai Khan Street. I enjoy visiting Shymbulak, yet I do not ski. I just enjoy a beautiful view of the mountains.

В столице внедрят 16 энергетических технологий с EXPO-2017 .jpg

One of the most memorable moments associated with Almaty is a meeting with my husband. When I started working in Kazakhstan, my colleague from Turkey invited me to a café. We were walking along Kalinin Street speaking English, when a guy passed by us. He recognized my colleague, they had studied in America, and none of them expected to see each other in Almaty. It was the guy who became my husband. It was a fate.

In Italy I had a boyfriend with whom we were going to get married. Before going to Almaty we invited some friends of us for dinner. There was a new girl who could foresee the future. She did not know anything about me, but said that I was going to a new place and my life would change radically. At that time, we thought that she was wrong, but the time showed that it was true. I believe that it was a miracle.

I’ve been to Astana, Almaty, Petropavlovsk. I wish to visit Shymkent one day, as many people tell me that I am an Italian girl born in Shymkent. I come from Sicily in the south of Italy, and I think that there is much in common between Shymkent and my native city.

Caring people and their life projects


I enjoy communicating with people. My work gives me such opportunity, for which I love it so much. Every day I meet various people. I talk to them, and learn new things.

I work in magazine publishing interviews with businessmen speaking on their experience of opening a business in Kazakhstan, their development direction. I'm absolutely interested in that, so I feel at ease here.

My current state of spirit

The most important is to remain positive, no matter what happens. It’s essential not for me only, but for the people who are around. I try to avoid all the negativity — gloomy people, negative books and articles.

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