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  • Наш Человек в общении с окружением честен и справедлив, порядочен и верен

  • Вы доверяете ему и уверены в его искренности

  • Наш Человек живет полной жизнью: любимая семья, достойное окружение, любимое дело, интересное хобби

  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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Choreographer from Israel on contemporary dance and new techniques


Choreographer from Israel on contemporary dance and new techniques

About the production of One. "One and One"




We came to Astana to show the audience the project One. One and One. The production talks about how to express your essence. We are all different and at the same time similar to each other — we all have a heart, eyes, ears. I am interested in the idea of the complex structure of the world: as who are we feeling, why we can know ourselves only in comparison with other people. In this production, I raise questions of ego. In a person, several entities are united, and sometimes people can behave unusually, incorrectly, fight with other people. That's human nature. People determine whom they are by answering the question, "Who Am I?" and "Who is my people, what is my nationality?". These questions are important to me. In Israel, in the Middle East, the situation is tense now, but I still believe in a good heart.



Our dance combines several techniques — contact improvisation, ballet movements and even Chinese qigong. We combine several dance languages. I often tell students that it is important to know all these techniques because by using them in dance, we create a new language.

About "Vertigo" dance company

Our company Vertigo dance is 25 years old. My husband and I started dancing in duets when we were younger. We danced only together, then new dancers came to us, our company grew. Today we have a lot of big projects: a beautiful eco-village in Israel, we take care of people with disabilities, a dance school in Jerusalem. We are promoting the idea of returning to the roots, to the Earth. Some consider it a return to the old, a lack of progress, but I do not agree with them.


We also have a dance production called White noise. In this project, dancers perform together with musicians on the same stage. This is a very lively, energetic performance that conveys several ideas at once. A sight beyond words. The idea, scenery, staging - everything is new and was invented specifically for our production. This project is in a sense similar to Israel — modern, which is based on ancient history. So we would like to share our art with the world. The Ministry of culture gives Israeli performers the opportunity to dance all over the world. The language of dance is the best because it is a language that everyone understands. Dancers speak the language of body and music.


There is no strong ballet school in Israel, as we are a young country. It is a new state with a long history. There is only one classical ballet theatre in all of Israel, but we are strong in new and modern forms of art. Every day someone invents a new technique, a new kind of art. I also created my new technique during all these 25 years of dance practice.
We have a creative family. Now we have three sons. Our sons also love art, dance and music. They should go to the army, but on their return, they will continue to make art.


I have four sisters, we live close to each other. This makes it easier for us to focus on our careers. I can travel around the world, work and leave my children and husband to my sisters. In addition, our husbands always help us with household chores. We try to stay together, not separate. Modern families no longer live together with their grandparents and other relatives as before. I think this is wrong because by staying together, you do not just survive, but you give each other love, care.


About Astana

I've lost count of the countries I've been to. I think I've been to more than half the world. Next month we will go to London, then South America, USA, Europe. But in Kazakhstan I first time. I knew about the country before arrival, heard about your boxers, read the story, but was pleasantly surprised because you have a completely different atmosphere. People here are calm. Women in Kazakhstan are beautiful. There is a special energy here, I am happy to get acquainted with your culture, to see positive changes and to be a part of these changes. You are developing new art, modern theatre and ballet.


I met with students of the Kazakh National Academy of choreography. They are beautiful and open to everything new. Their movements and thoughts feel freedom. I liked working with them.
We will be happy to come here again. Maybe I'll be invited to teach your young dancers or help create a new art movement. Perhaps your audience will want to see something new and modern, and the theatre will be open to both classical and modern dance. In this case, you will have a chance to see more, as many new styles have appeared all over the world. I will be glad to return to Astana.


On the first day, we could not see the city in all its glory because of the fog. But then the sun came out, and we saw your wonderful city. We rode the bus, saw modern buildings built in a short period of time.
I am happy. I have a good opportunity to meet new people and share ideas. I would like to sit down and talk to the audience to find out how they were affected by the production. I often do so, but today, unfortunately, it did not work. I'm curious what people got from that day. Today the audience was calm, but I felt their energy. It was something new for them because I brought with me an unusual idea from another country, which is impossible to convey in words, only with body and music. I wish people all over the world could communicate through dance, music, movement.

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