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Chinese on why they do business in Kazakhstan


Chinese on why they do business in Kazakhstan

Wei He, 34 years old, hometown ― Lishui, entrepreneur

Chinese on why they do business in Kazakhstan

About the trip and work

I have known Kazakhstan since childhood. At the lessons of history and geography, we studied neighbour countries, including Kazakhstan.

The first trip to Almaty was in the early 2000s when I started the business. The company is engaged in the logistics of goods from China to neighbour countries, so I was looking for a partner for the distribution of goods in Kazakhstan and Russia.

I come to Almaty with business trips several times a year. I've explored the city and know almost every corner.

About business in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a young and promising country that is trying to become a good platform for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. However, this process is only at the initial stage, business in Kazakhstan has many disadvantages, ranging from organizational issues to marketing.

Kazakhstan tries to create the same conditions for business as in Singapore. To develop not only foreign business relations but also to raise local entrepreneurs.

Kazakhstan tries to create the same conditions for business as in Singapore

The more businessmen in Kazakhstan will be, the easier it will be to organize the business of foreign investors and partners. There will be a choice, and the competition will increase, which will lead to positive economic growth.

On similarities and differences

Kazakhs and the Chinese have a great history. We are representatives of Asian culture, but the differences between us are enormous.

Chinese on why they do business in Kazakhstan

Kazakhs are Turkic people, with their customs, traditions and worldview. Modern Kazakhstan is a mix of Western and Eastern lifestyle. Many traditions are preserved, the connection with history is revived, but all of this has not found its final form. On the other hand ― China, which grinding traditions for many centuries.

Chinese and Kazakhs are similar in one thing ― family above all. The value of family relations is inherent in many nations, but in Asian culture, it's in the first place.

About the plans

I can't imagine life without communication with Kazakhstan. We plan to further develop business here and see the development of a beautiful country.

Chao Liang, 37 years old, hometown ― Almaty, entrepreneur

Chinese on why they do business in Kazakhstan

About the trip and work

I was born and spent part of my life in Kazakhstan, but my parents moved to China in 1991.

After a while, I connected life with this country again. I do business in the light industry and develop international relations with Kazakhstani businessmen.

About business in Kazakhstan

Business in Kazakhstan is actively developing. More young people are opening companies and occupy the local market.

Kazakhstan has many undeveloped areas to develop. The entertainment sector, light industry, heavy industry, automobile industry, sales ― all of this is a potential business market that awaits enthusiasts.

Chinese on why they do business in Kazakhstan

Experienced entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan are supporting the young businessmen. They hold competitions, business training. It develops business culture and strengthens the idea that business isn't difficult.

Experienced entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan are supporting the young businessmen

I like that more Kazakh brands appearing. Kazakhstan is the dark horse of the world economy. If properly dispose of all the resources of the country, Kazakhstan will soon take a leading global position.

On similarities and differences

China and Kazakhstan are connected historically. Our ancestors had trade and political relations. However, the difference in culture is clear.

Chinese are emotional, which reflected in the language. Each intonation expresses a certain thought, and incorrect use can lead to misunderstanding. The Kazakh language is more structured, rich in metaphors and comparisons.

Kazakhstan is a multiethnic nation. Unlike China, Kazakhstan has created a unique atmosphere of people unity, and half of the country's population are representatives of different nationalities. The strength and uniqueness of the country in its diversity.

About the plans

The plans are to watch the development of Kazakhstan and promote the business sector.

Lao Chen, 39 years old, hometown ― Guangzhou, entrepreneur

Chinese on why they do business in Kazakhstan

About the trip and work

I met with Kazakhstan in 2010, when I received a business offer. I was offered to work at a large enterprise for two years to share my experience and knowledge. I didn't start a business at the time, but I was a good specialist.

Three years ago, I bought a garment factory and started setting up markets. First I sold the goods inside China and later came to Kazakhstani and the Russian market. Purchasing power in Kazakhstan has increased significantly and more people willing to become partners. Thanks to the successful start, I plan to expand the territorial borders and start deliveries to India, Singapore and Taiwan.

About business in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan has come a long way. For 28 years, the country has become an excellent economic platform for trade between Central Asian countries. The strategic location provides good opportunities for the development of many business areas.

I would like to see a more active development of the tourism sector. Kazakhstan has unique natural resources: Charyn Canyon, Big Almaty Lake, Mangistau, Bayanaul, Borovoe. Tourism can be more profitable than selling oil and gas.

On similarities and differences

Kazakhstan is a rich country with endless steppes. In Kazakhstan, I rest from people and feel freedom. Cities in Kazakhstan aren't densely populated, and the villages are spacious.

Kazakhstan amazes with the diversity of nationalities and languages, which are for me, exotic

Kazakhstan amazes with the diversity of nationalities and languages, which are for me, exotic. In China, everyone speaks Chinese, but in Kazakhstan, I can hear Kazakh, Russian, English, and sometimes even Chinese, French and German. Kazakhstanis should be proud of this diversity and make it a feature of the country.

About the plans

In the coming year, I plan to finish major projects and go on a trip around the world with my family.

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