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Beekeepers of Bashkortostan about the uniqueness of the Bashkir honey and why it heals


Beekeepers of Bashkortostan about the uniqueness of the Bashkir honey and why it heals

Gregory Kuleshov, 29 years old, Yagodnaya Polyana Village, Republic of Bashkortostan, farm "IE Kuleshova R.A.", @sweet._honey

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About beekeeping

Beekeeping is our family business, and I got to the apiary when I was six months. Our apiary located in Nachapkin Village of Ufa district. It's nomadic. We move to the honey plant first on donnik, linden, buckwheat, sunflower.

You need healthy, hardy bees to produce quality products. To do this, we use herbal preparations, for example, "CAS-81", a decoction of wormwood and pine buds.

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About the value of Bashkirian honey

Bashkir honey is curative and valuable due to the variety of plants from which our bees collect nectar. At the same time blooms more than 10 or even 20 honey plants.

Fresh honey should be thick and merge slide

Carefully choose good honey. Fresh honey should be thick and merge slide. This shows that the honey ripe and bees brought it to the desired moisture storage.

To check the honey in more detail, you need to do an analysis on the diastase number. If we want to check on belonging to a particular species, pollen analysis is necessary.

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Also, try honey when you are buying it, it shouldn't contain foreign flavours of fermentation.

About the

In the next five years, we plan to increase the production of cellular honey, make it the main product of our apiary. We plan to increase the number of bee colonies to 300, but only high-performance families.

This year we are going to open our own brand store in Ufa for the sale of honey products.

Ramazan Faizullin, 59 years old, Mrakovo Village (the Republic of Bashkortostan, Kugarchinskiy district), beekeeper, @bashkirian_honey

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About beekeeping

I have engaged in beekeeping all my life. My wife helps me. Children also involved in this interesting work since childhood. Daughter Lily responsible for the promotion, she created a page on social networks. All three children have their established professions not related to beekeeping, but the production of honey is a very interesting process that can not leave indifferent. Even the seven-year-old grandson Danir likes to run the apiary.

I am engaged in beekeeping all year round. In winter I make hives and frames. During the summer I'm in the apiary almost all the time. It's not a business or a hobby, it's a vocation.

About the value of Bashkir honey

Bashkir honey recognized as one of the best in the world. It is valued for its properties, determined by the natural and climatic conditions of Bashkortostan and rich, peculiar vegetation.

Bashkir forests concentrate the most extensive areas of honey-bearing vegetation in the country.

Our honey collected from plants that are natural medicinal raw materials, so this product itself has a lot of healing properties.

Bashkir forests concentrate the most extensive areas of honey-bearing vegetation in the country

This year we managed to get maple honey. Some believe it's impossible: it is not possible to pump it out, because honeybees work on the maple only a few days in May. However, maple honey does exist, but it is very rare.

So, in Bashkortostan honeybees make maple honey from the nectar of maple flowers, which begins to bloom before or during the flowering of leaves.

About the plans

In July we travel to Nature Park of Muradymovsky Gorge and will stay there until the end of the summer. The Park located on the border of forest-steppe and mountain taiga. There grows a large number of unique plants. 53 of them used in folk and official medicine.

Galima Sharipova, 31 years old, hometown — Ufa, operator of the Russian gas company, beekeeper, @medovaya_bashkiriya

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About beekeeping

My whole family engaged with honey producing. Even my grandparents were engaged in beekeeping, now their business is continued by my parents, elder brother and me. Our apiary located in a protected area of the Ural mountains, which makes honey environmentally friendly, natural and useful.

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Honey is the most valuable and unique product. After all, bees collect nectar from flowers all summer long. In our case, these are the flowers of linden, St. John's wort, marjoram, chamomile. Honey is sealed, matures and only then the honey swings from the honeycomb. In addition to the main honey crop, the beekeeper has a lot of worries in the preparation of bee colonies for winter.

We have bees of the Central Russian breed, which have always been on the territory of Bashkortostan.

About the value of Bashkir honey

We produce mountain lime, honey. This honey valued because of its composition and useful properties. In places where the apiary located, the meadow is fragrant with aromatic and medicinal herbs.

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In places where the apiary located, the meadow is fragrant with aromatic and medicinal herbs

Look at the consistency of honey when you are choosing it. It should not be liquid like water and not thick with a flavour and a special taste of bitterness.

About the plans

We send honey to different cities in our country. We plan to increase the apiary and the geography of deliveries of our quality honey.

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