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Available adaptation courses for immigrants in Korea


Available adaptation courses for immigrants in Korea

Language courses 사회통합프로그램이수확인서

The state program provides free help in learning the language. Courses held on Sundays. The duration of the course is 100 hours, and the minimum duration is 80 hours.

You can apply for permanent residence without an interview after finishing the course.


The early adaptation of immigrants

The purpose of the program to provide foreigners who want to stay in Korea with information about the basic laws and policies of the country in their native language. In addition help in the social arrangement for quick adaptation to life in Korea.


Help service to multinational families of foreigners

The Korean government and civil-society organizations provide help and support to multinational families and foreigners living in Korea. Teaching Korean language and culture, advice on various issues.

This especially useful for just arrived foreigners with difficulties in relations with the Korean people because of ignorance of culture.


Social integration programme

The social integration course designed for immigrants living in Korea and undergoing adaptation. Here foreigners get information about Korean language and culture to become full members of society.


Rainbow youth centre

Rainbow youth centre of the Fund of immigrant adolescents support in collaboration with local organizations, have a variety of programmes aimed at immigrant adolescents between the ages of nine and 24.


A course of Korean language from Joinus Korea

Free language courses for foreigners from the organization Joinus Korea with the support of the Seoul government. Lessons are held every Sunday upon prior registration. New students can join every first or second Sunday of the month.


Free Korean lessons from Gal Wol Community Welfare Center

Volunteer teachers teach and help those who want to learn Korean. Classes divided into four groups: from beginners to advanced.

We thank for the help in creating the article Nikita Kim and Yuri Tsoi.

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