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"Art Square", design market, gostiny dvor — How creative people of Ufa spend time


"Art Square", design market, gostiny dvor — How creative people of Ufa spend time

Lola Kraft, 27 years old, hometown — Ufa, photographer, @lola_kraft

"Art Square", design market, gostiny dvor — How creative people of Ufa spend time

Who am I

I'm a photographer. I do a content shooting for commercial and personal blogs on Instagram. I am also the author of MILK MOMMY'S project, which reloads looks of mothers from Ufa and Moscow.

The love for the social network from a hobby turned into a job that I truly grief. I create audit profiles on Instagram, shoot content, develop the taste and style of city bloggers and shops.

My second photo exhibition took place last September.

I do yoga, study and plan to support social projects in the field of ecology, women's rights and body-positive.

Watching, reading, listening

I'm a music lover. I like to find music that few people know about. Previously, I was engaged in music and rap, directed music videos that were shown on Bashkir television.

I'm a big fan of comic book universes — watched every movie of Marvel Universe. I love melodramas and am afraid of horror movies.

What inspires

People with special vision, great experience and projects in different fields inspire me.

People with special vision, great experience and projects in different fields

Inspiration is mood, harmony, self-sufficiency. In the city I am inspired by a walk in the centre, there is a whole culture of stylish and creative people.

How I rest

I used to consider myself a city person, but now more often I rest on nature.

Where I spend time

Most of all I like the centre of Ufa, Gostiny Dvor district.

On the site of "Art Square" often held interesting events, it's nice to bring a client for a photo shoot or just walk. Creative and stylish guys and girls are gathering there, which pleases the eye and soul.

In Ufa for the last couple of years were opened a lot of original clothing stores. Better to visit design market. My friend has a showroom with creative clothing and even the name speaks for itself — "Provocateur".

Siyavush Shermatzade, 29 years old, hometown — Ufa, singer, anchor, entertainer, sshermatzade

"Art Square", design market, gostiny dvor — How creative people of Ufa spend time

Who am I

I'm a singer, anchor, showman, TV anchor. Soloist of the Bashkir State Philharmonic named after H. Akhmetov, soloist of a pop-jazz orchestra. The soloist of the "Blue cameo", "Akbuzat" musicals.

I am a laureate of international, republican, and national competitions. Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation.

In the past, I was engaged in wrestling, participated in competitions. Therefore, I am fond of sports, martial arts, I go to the gym.

Watching, reading, listening

I love to read. At this point I'm in the process of reading the "Pishi I sokraschay" of Ilyakhova and Sarychev.

I'm a music lover, listen to different music. I graduated from the Academy of Arts, so I love classical music, especially vocal. As a child I was predicted to become an opera singer, so all my childhood I listened to opera arias, romances, folk songs.

I watch different movies, mostly American and French comedies. Not so long ago, the wife made me watch Cohen — revising, philosophizing. Fan of Marvel, DC.

I choose different literature it can be classic and modern literature, technical, psychology.

What inspires

My daughter Ruzhena inspires me. I want to create, to be an example for her in all aspects.

How I rest

In the spring, I visited Iceland with my wife and made a real trip. My dream is to visit the most exotic places on the planet, wander, study, read. I like this kind of active rest most of all.

My dream is to visit the most exotic places on the planet, wander, study, read

I have many interests, so I often spend time and communicate with people at concerts, the gym, restaurants.

Where I spend time

My favourite place is at home. My family loves to get out to the pool, and then to "Svoya companiya". It's our tradition.

All creativity is focused on fairs, design markets. Plus, Gostiny Dvor has always been a distinctive area of the city.

Anna Mik, 31 years old, hometown — Ufa, photographer, @annamikulina_photo

"Art Square", design market, gostiny dvor — How creative people of Ufa spend time

Who am I

I'm a photographer, doing what I love for five years. I shoot in the genre of women's stylish photo shoots, teach photographers editing, retouching and shooting in different conditions.

Photography for me is not limited to Ufa. I shoot abroad, worked in the Czech Republic and Spain, organized a photo tour for creative professionals in Istanbul, where we collaborated with modelling agencies and foreign models.

My hobby is my work. I like video shooting, and I shoot beautiful videos on my mobile phone and teach others to do it.

I love travelling.

Watching, reading, listening

I have a varied taste. In music there are no preferences — I'm a music lover.

About cinema: the last liked TV series "Peaky blinders", "Medici". Beautiful and stylish series. I love movies that develop taste.

What inspires

People with whom we create joint creative projects inspire me. Makeup artists, stylists, models, fashion designers. The main thing is to be on the same wave and to be ready for creative movement.

I am inspired by the work of photography classics Peter Lindbergh and others, as well as famous stylists — Karina Nigai and bloggers.

How I rest

In matters of rest, I'm not strong, because I have a lot of workloads and creative projects. If it turns out, I rest during the trips, and I like to explore new places. Passive rest is not for me.

In Ufa, several times a year held a design market, where designers of clothing, accessories exhibit products. Many creative people visit this place, there is a special atmosphere.

After I had started taking photos, my environment changed and became 99% of creative professionals. More and more people devote themselves to creative professions.

With photographers and other professionals, we meet and get acquainted during a creative set or in the studios.

Where I spend time

My favourite place in the city — "Art Square". The repair there is not finished, but it is already cool to be there. I constantly conduct photoshoots in this place as there are cool locations and architecture. There is always something going on in the space, various concerts in the evenings. In the future, there will be a museum, street food corner and a street cinema.

My favourite place in the city — "Art Square"

Interesting and unusual things from local designers can be bought at the design market, also in Ufa showrooms, for example, "Studio 802", "Page place" and others.

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