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Ambassador of Morocco about diplomatic mission and shared values of Morocco and Kazakhstan

Abdeljalil Saubry

66 years old, hometown — Marrakesh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Morocco to the Republic of Kazakhstan


Ambassador of Morocco about diplomatic mission and shared values of Morocco and Kazakhstan

About moving
I have been here for almost four years. I was honored to open the Moroccan Embassy in Kazakhstan. This decision was made in connection with Morocco's interest in developing relations with Kazakhstan. We cooperate at the level of international organizations and would like to develop our bilateral relations.

I had no difficulties moving here. It was easy to open the embassy because the authorities of Kazakhstan helped us. It should also be noted that I arrived in winter, but thanks to the hospitality and warmth of the Kazakh people, everything went well.


I am also accredited in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan with a residence in Nur-Sultan. I regularly travel to these countries for work.

About the profession of a diplomat
I have always preferred to work in the field of international relations. I studied and worked on the relations of Morocco with European Union and other countries. This is a profession that requires many skills. You need to be able to negotiate, establish communications, feel people, be hospitable. And the most important thing is to have a sense of patriotism. Knowledge in history and culture is also required. You must always be aware of events.

The first country in which I served was Belgium. I have worked in the countries of the European Union for a long time. It is a geographically close and economically important partner of Morocco. We have a large community of Moroccans living in Europe. I have been Chargé d'Affaires at the Embassy in Brussels, Luxembourg and the European Union. Then I was appointed Ambassador to Ukraine, where I lived for seven years. Then I returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Morocco, where I was the director of relations with Europe. After I was appointed Ambassador of Morocco to Kazakhstan. I have been working in the field of diplomacy for almost 30 years.

About working with Kazakhstan
We work with Kazakhstan within the framework of the UN and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Cooperation between our countries is also developing bilaterally in positive dynamics. There are great opportunities in areas such as agriculture, mining, tourism, transport, energy and finance.

About Morocco
I would like to express my satisfaction for the growing interest from Kazakhstanis wishing to visit Morocco. With the opening of the embassy, ​​more and more visa requests are made every day.


Morocco is a tourist country. We receive 13 million tourists a year. The country offers many types of tourism, and everyone will find what they need. We have both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean; there are mountains 4000 meters high. There is a desert for connoisseurs of caravans, we also have hunting, fishing, equestrian sports and cultural tourism, as the history of Morocco is rich and ancient. As a state, it has existed for 14 centuries. We have monuments from Phoenician, Roman and Byzantine times before the arrival of Islam in the country.

Moroccan cuisine is one of the best cuisines in the world. Many people know about as tagine, couscous, pastilla, and Moroccan tea. It should be noted the hospitality of the country, our people love guests. There are hundreds of reasons to come to Morocco.

Shared values ​​of Morocco and Kazakhstan
Despite the great distance between Morocco and Kazakhstan, our countries share many cultural values: hospitality, respect, and care for guests. Family values ​​and mutual respect in the family are important in the cultures of both countries. We are attached to traditional values, but at the same time, we are open to the world and the modern.

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