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A Canadian about moving to Kyrgyzstan and love for Manty

Jason Neil

Bishkek city, director of United World International School, linkedin


A Canadian about moving to Kyrgyzstan and love for Manty

Canadian Jason Neil talked about life in Kyrgyzstan and shared his impressions and favorite places.


About myself and moving

I am originally from a small village in Canada. I have a Bachelor's degree from the University of Ottawa and completed a Master's degree in Educational Leadership and Management at Royal Roads University in British Columbia.

In grade 11, I designed a tour of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Western China as part of a geography project. I researched the region so thoroughly then that I wanted to visit. Especially to see the local mountains.

I first came to Kyrgyzstan in 2011. I worked as a teacher for about four years. After that, I worked in the International Baccalaureate program and lived in China for two years. I was going to extend my work contract, but I realized that I missed Kyrgyzstan. And when the opportunity to move back came up, I agreed immediately. I stayed here for two more years, after which I left the country again. In the following years, I lived and worked in Bulgaria, Canada, and China.

In the summer of 2023, I returned to Kyrgyzstan. This country has become a second home for me, and I am pleased to live here.

About first impressions

I remember well my first trip outside Bishkek. One of my local friends took us to a village that was not far from Talas. His grandparents lived there. It was then in a small house at the foot of the mountain, with musical instruments and other cultural details hanging on the walls, that I realized I had come to a special place.

We then traveled into the mountains where we found ourselves completely alone. There aren't many mountain valleys in the world where this is possible — you're usually surrounded by other people. It's a paradise for those who enjoy hiking, biking, cross-country running, and other such activities.

About activities

Every day I work with deputies, examiners, and coordinators of different levels of the Cambridge education system, helping to direct their activities. I meet regularly with the CEO to discuss future development. I am responsible for ensuring that our academic programs meet all the requirements of the Ministry of Education, Cambridge International School, and Cognia, which we want to become part of. I am also in charge of recruiting staff and creating a positive atmosphere.


I had a lot of good mentors when I was growing up. One of the key things I learned from them was that you should choose an activity that benefits the world. I have always loved working with people and helping them find their way in life. Therefore, the educational sphere became the ideal direction to achieve my goals.

In today's globalized world, it is important to give young people the opportunity to interact with foreign teachers. Kyrgyzstan is not a separate country, it is a part of the world that needs to interact with each other and cooperate. Many of our students plan to continue their studies in the USA, Europe, and Canada, and then return to Kyrgyzstan to help their country become better.

About Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is developing rapidly. Bishkek was two different cities 13 years ago and today.


I never cease to be amazed by the generosity of the locals. One example is when recently, a Canadian friend and I went on a bicycle trip near the border with China. There weren't many cars passing by, but they all stopped and offered us water, apples, ayran, and other products they had. People here will always take the time to make sure you are okay. That says a lot about the level of hospitality in the country.

I am also amazed every time I visit the natural beauty of Kyrgyzstan. The country will make great strides if it develops its tourism to its full potential. One of my favorite places is an alpine lake, Ala-Kul. It is difficult to get there, but it is worth it. Another magical lake is Kel-Suu, worthy of a mention in National Geographic. One winter I went ice skating on it. According to the locals, I was the first person to do so. I have been to almost every corner of Kyrgyzstan.

About the tradition

I like the tradition of taking food with me after the holiday to share with my family members. There are also many local games that I love. For example, kok-boru. The sports uniforms that are required to participate amaze me.


I love traditional food. It can be too greasy at times, but there is hot tea to help digestion. My wife's mom is the best cook in the country. No one makes Manty and Kurdak better than her, and her beshbarmak is perfect.

Kyrgyz is a beautiful language. I can't say I know it yet, but I'm taking lessons. I think I will be able to speak Kyrgyz by summer.

About plans

A year ago, a daughter was born in our family. I want her to know Kyrgyz and understand that Kyrgyzstan is her homeland.

I love the work I do at school. I want to be a part of what we create together.

Also, there are still places in the country that I want to visit. Therefore, I am not going to move anytime soon.

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