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9 board games you can play with your kids


9 board games you can play with your kids

Board games are a great way to spend time with your family while developing children's intellectual and social skills. We have made a selection of the most popular and interesting board games that are suitable for joint pastime with children.


Age: from 6 years old

Number of players: 2-8

The most fun game that children love so much. It consists of 55 unique cards, each of which has eight different objects drawn on it. Two cards are paired together if they share a common drawing. These pairs are what the players have to put together. The game does not bore neither children nor adults, it can be played in different ways.


Age: from 7 years

Number of players: 2-5

A strategic game in which players build a medieval landscape by placing tiles with images of cities, roads and fields. The game promotes spatial thinking and strategic planning.


Age: 3 years and up

Number of players: 2-4

A simple and fun memory game where players must find pairs of identical pictures. The game perfectly develops memory and attention in children, and is suitable for the very young.


Age: from 6 years old

Number of players: 4-7

A game of association and imagination where players have to guess what associations the host has made with a particular picture on the card. The game develops creative thinking and imagination. There are variants of children's Imaginarium, which can be played from the age of six.


Age: from 7 years old

Number of players: 2-10

A fast and dynamic game of association and reaction speed. Players draw cards with categories and letters, and then have to come up with a word that matches the category and begins with the letter as quickly as possible. The game develops vocabulary, quick thinking and reaction time.


Age: 8 years and up

Number of players: 4-7

A Wild West style card game where players play the roles of the sheriff, deputies, bandits and a renegade. The goal of the game depends on the role: the sheriff and his deputies must eliminate the bandits and the renegade, the bandits seek to eliminate the sheriff, and the renegade wants to be the last survivor. The game develops strategic thinking, teamwork and bluffing skills.

Machi Koro

Age: 7 years and up

Number of players: 2-5

Players act as the architect and mayor of the city. They have to build bakeries and cheese factories, stores and factories, and tourist attractions. The winner is the first to build four attractions in their town.

Tic Tac Boom

Age: from 5 years old

Number of players: 2-12

This children's board game is an analog of a similar game for adults. It resembles a game of association, but with a bomb with an unpredictable timer. A fun game that tickles the nerves.


Age: 3 years and up

Number of players: 2-4

Another children's version of the popular game with simplified rules so that the whole family can play. The winner is the player who first makes a sequence of four chips in a row. This game can be played endlessly!

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