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9 bloggers from Uzbekistan whose content will be interesting and useful to you ⠀


9 bloggers from Uzbekistan whose content will be interesting and useful to you ⠀

We tell you about bloggers from Uzbekistan who create interesting content.

TEACHER AZAM, @teacherazam


Blog in Uzbek for those who are interested in English and Western culture. He also runs a YouTube channel of the same name.


A blogger from Tashkent helps those who want to learn English without boredom.

KUNDUZIY, @khafizzzy


@khafizzzy also runs a YouTube channel. In his blog, he reveals a variety of topics and shares useful information.

Javohir, @javohircode


A young Frontend developer who shares useful content about programming and IT. And yes, he also has a YouTube channel. It is called Javohir Group.

Nodir Nishonov, @insusambil


The blogger doesn't have many subscribers on Instagram, so we recommend switching to YouTube SUSAMBIL. It's all about fantasy and geek culture in Uzbek.

Saadulla Abdullaev, @texnoplov


One of the most popular tech bloggers in Uzbekistan.

Marifat Jamalova, @marifat_jamal


The girl will help you prepare and pass the SAT exam.

Mahira, @mahira_ilzat


Keeps a beautiful and useful blog about cooking. Here are reviews, recipes and a lot of interesting content.



The owner of @elite_school_uz and @it__uz and a novice blogger who helps those who want to study mathematics and prepare for the SAT.

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