Many of us know about the traditions of Kazakh people, but often we do not use them anymore. Therefore, WE decided to recall some of them.
Yerulik is a treat for new neighbors. In order to adapt to the new settlement, they usually invited as the guests to their neighbors. Yerulik should bring neighbors together and make them closer. Treatment is prepared from horsemeat, qazy-qarta or mutton.
At tergeu
Kazakh woman should not call her husband's relatives by their names. She must come up with affectionate nicknames to brothers and sisters of the husband. The daughter-in-law calls her relatives with special names as "myrza qainaga", "bata atam", "bi aga", "tentegim", "yerkezhan", "sheber sheshey", "aq azhe", "syrgalym", "shashbaulym".
Qursaq qoy
Qursaq qoy, qursaq shashu is a Kazakh folk custom, according to which a happy mother-in-law when she gets to know that her daughter-in-law is pregnant, invites close relatives, neighbors to her house and serves treats on the dastarkhan (table). The purpose of this event is celebration of the pregnant daughter-in-law. Adults give bata (blessing), and friends share their experience of pregnancy.
Zharys qazan
While the woman is suffering in prenatal battles, her close relatives, mostly women, must cook meat in the cauldron for the guests. It is considered a good sign if the mother gives birth to a baby earlier than the cauldron would boil.
Suyek zhangyrtu
If the matchmakers become matchmakers again, kudalyk continues again, and this is called suyek zhangyrtu. This custom is carried out with the consent of the man and woman.
Selt etkizer
Before some celebration, woman gives the present to the man she likes — the dish Uyqyashar. Man in return gives jewelry or something pleasant.
Abysyn asy
Previously, without the permission of husband, daughter-in-law could not afford entertainment. When the men went to the celebration party, there were only women left in the village. Then they arranged a feast for themselves: cooked delicious meat, put tea in samovars, sang, joked, shared secrets, and consulted. This is a manifestation of unity, friendship of Kazakh women. "Abysyn asy" united and brought together women.
Usually the aksakals (men) took the remains of the beshbarmak from the table and gave it to the children. Previously, children walked around the house and waited for the treatments. The writer Sabit Mukanov promoted this custom in his works.