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5 museums in Tashkent that are definitely worth a visit
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5 museums in Tashkent that are definitely worth a visit

Do you want to get to know the history and culture of the country better? Then you should definitely visit the museums that we have selected.

The State Museum of Applied Arts of Uzbekistan


Museum is located in the center of Tashkent. You will definitely like this museum because it is full of exhibits on national themes. Museum has its own guides who will tell you about various embroidery techniques or about the differences of skullcaps. You can also see many other handmade exhibits.

Temurid History Museum "Amir Temur Museum"


Museum is located near Amir Temur Square. It is one of the main and recognizable sights of the city. Museum will give you historical exhibits and stories about the life of those years, under the rule of Amir Temur.

Railway Museum


The open-air museum is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the history of trains and learn a little more about them. Ideal for families with children. In the museum, you can also take a ride on a steam locomotive.

State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan


Museum that will surprise you not only with exhibits, but also with the architecture of the building itself. In this museum you can see European paintings of the 17th-18th century, applied art of Uzbekistan in the 19th-20th century and exhibits from Russia, China and Europe. An atmospheric museum that everyone should definitely see and feel the creativity of those times.

State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan


The State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan is one of the oldest museums in Central Asia. Museum's exposition includes about 250 000 exhibits, including about 60 000 archaeological, over 80 000 numismatic and 16 000 ethnographic items reflecting Uzbek history from primitive times to the present day.

Photo credits: f.otzyv.ru, tourister.ru, awaytravel.ru, letsgotravel.ru, old.hook.report.

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