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3 stories about experiencing life in sunny Armenia


3 stories about experiencing life in sunny Armenia

Meruyert Mamatkhozhina, Yerevan, @meruliya

Meruyert Mamatkhozhina (2).jpeg

I am from Kazakhstan, Kokshetau. I am a mom of a little boy. We moved to Yerevan in the beginning of June 2020, during the pandemic, due to the job of my husband.

About first impression

I have lived in Italy and Greece before and I loved both. But Armenia felt like home from the very first day.

About difficulties

Well, we moved to a new place during a difficult time for the whole world so it was not easy. The trip itself was much longer than it could be: before the pandemic, there was a direct flight from Athens to Yerevan, but we had to take three planes with a toddler to arrive here.

About differences

Yerevan impressed me so much. I did not expect the city to be so modern and comforting. It is just perfect for the families: green parks, flowers, fountains everywhere. It is also full of interesting places to discover out of the city for those who love hiking, excursions, picnics, or car trips.

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About similarities

Kazakhstan and Armenia share the common past, so we are similar in many cultural aspects. However, due to the rich history of the country, you can notice the French, Greek, Lebanese and other cultures influence. It is a beautiful and unique mix.

About people

Armenians are open and friendly. They adore kids and would do everything to make them happy. Armenians like to talk and give advice, it is okay here for a stranger to comment the way you take care of your child, you are making exercises or just to stop by to chat. It is their way to take care of you as a guest of the country; they want you to feel welcomed and safe.

Meruyert Mamatkhozhina (1).jpeg

What I like there

Here in Armenia, I found out how an apricot should taste like. The fruits are delicious. The cuisine in general is so good.

Anna Mnacakanyan, manager, @anya_uragan

Анна Арсеновна Mnacakanyan (3).jpg

I was born in Armenia, but back in the 90’s my family moved to Russia and I lived there for more than 20 years. I lived in the north, where 10 months out of the year frosts are down to -60 C. I worked in a leadership position in a large mobile communications company. I have lived a wonderful one and a half years in my sunny Armenia. I fell in love with Armenia four years ago when I came to Armenia for a vacation. I traveled almost through all of Armenia and fell in love with it - you must agree that it is impossible not to fall in love with this country. Armenia draws like a magnet even more from the first visit. I thought about relocating to Armenia for a long time, as much as three years, because I was going to move alone, leaving my large family in Russia. The main reasons for moving: sunny weather, delicious fruits and my love for my historic homeland.

About first impression

I feel as if I am in heaven. For me, Armenia is a paradise on earth. Everything is fine here, from its people to the wonderful weather. In Armenia, there are an average of 300 sunny days a year, which is why I did not have any depression throughout my stay here. I fell in love with Armenia while traveling and living here. Now as a local resident, I continue to discover new beauties of Armenia. Fortunately, tourism has been actively developed in Armenia, from various physical activities to activities good for overall wellness. Everyone can find something to his or her liking. Armenia is like a box with rare jewels. It is amazing how many diverse attractions fit in a small area, many of which are on the UNESCO World Heritage List. You will not believe it, but I am still very impressed and it is still surreal that I live here and that my dream has come true.

About difficulties

The most difficult part of life in Yerevan is job placement. When I moved, I realized that I would need to start all over from scratch and there was no talk of any leadership position as I previously had in Russia. Since my work experience was in the field of sales, for employment I had to know the Armenian language fluently, but unfortunately I spoke with an accent. After four months of long searches, I found a job that I dreamed about - I got a job as a manager in a Russian company. Many successful companies in Yerevan work with the US and other countries. If you know English at least well enough, it will be easy to find a well-paid job.

Анна Арсеновна Mnacakanyan (2).jpg

About differences

There is a difference in many things, but for a really long time I could not get used to the fact that it can be cold at home in winter, because in Armenia, unlike Russia, there is no central heating, instead apartments are heated from gas boilers. Also, in pharmacies, drugs are sold individually, not as a whole in packages as in Russia. However, the most impressive difference is that the representatives of the country itself can be found right on the street and you could freely chat with them. Also, trips are inexpensive - you can go to the other end of the country for the weekend, climb the mountains, relax and return back to the city.

About similarities

Both of our countries are Christian countries, which means we both value friendship and love for one’s country.

About people

Armenia is a country with a hardworking, hospitable people who managed to maintain their traditions and loyalty to a language. It is a nation with friendly family values, where the elders are respected, marriage is respected and children are loved. Armenians are proud people who do not like to obey and do not allow themselves to be humiliated. Every Armenian, without exception, is proud of his or her country. Each child or an elder is not a stranger to anyone here - the Armenians hold on tightly to relatives and friends. Usually a day for Armenians begins and ends with coffee - the locals are very fond of coffee and can drink up to 20 cups per day. People in Armenia live and enjoy their lives.

Анна Арсеновна Mnacakanyan (1).jpg

What I like there

Most of all I like the weather. It is sunny all year round. The streets are full of drinking fountains that are called pulpulak. The idea of ​​designing and building drinking fountains belongs to the architect Tamanyan. Having decided that people should not look for outlets with drinking water and spend so much on buying, the architect came up with the idea of ​​installing drinking fountains on the streets and in city yards.

Safety. You feel absolutely safe here - you cannot meet drunk or aggressive people even at night.

Interesting story

Meeting with the president changed my life. As I said above, I had difficulties with finding a job. I was very upset and even had thoughts of returning back to Russia, as my funds were already running out, but I did not want to leave. And on one beautiful day in the fall, while walking around Yerevan, I accidentally met the Armenian President Armen Sargsyan. I was very surprised. I simply had no words and I could not believe my eyes that our president walked around the city with his wife as an ordinary citizen without any security. Of course, after quickly coming back to my senses, I went up to them and expressed my admiration. The next day, I was called for an interview at a company to which I had previously sent my resume. After successfully completing the interview, I got a job. Someone will say that this is an accident, a coincidence, but I will say that this is a miracle. There is a reason that they say Armenia is a wonderland.

Despite the fact that I lived in Russia for all my conscious life, I consider Armenia my home and now I can confidently say that I am at home.

Olesya Denysenko, @armenianotes

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I am from Kyiv, Ukraine. I used to work for IT in the travel industry remotely. My husband who works for an airline was relocated from Ukraine to Yerevan, Armenia in 2016. That is why our family moved to Yerevan.

About first impression

My first impression about Armenia was sunny, mountainous, and very friendly country.

About difficulties

I cannot say there were some difficulties. Some moments you always face after moving to another place, like finding your doctor, hairdresser, etc. Sometimes service in Armenia is not stable, today you can be served like a queen but the other the same person is not in a good mood.

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About differences

Driving behavior in Armenia is very specific. Public transport is underdeveloped both in Yerevan and within Armenia. However, the very positive side of Armenia is that many issues can be solved very quickly. I also found many similarities between Armenia and Ukraine from Soviet past.

Olesya Denysenko (3).jpg

About people

Armenian people are extremely friendly, curious, and hospitable. People love their country, and they are very patriotic.

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