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17 achievements of Central Asians in October


17 achievements of Central Asians in October

Achievements of people from Central Asia, whose successes we were proud of in October.

Bekdoolot Rasulbekov, @bekdolott


The Kyrgyzstani became the second in the weight category up to 109 kilograms at the Asian Weightlifting Championship. The competitions were held from October 8 to October 16 in the city of Manama.

Aizada Muptilda


The Kazakhstani woman won the gold medal of the Asian Weightlifting Championship in the weight category over 87 kilograms, the athlete gained 277 kilograms, of which: 120 in the clean and jerk and 157 in the snatch.

Albina Kakenova

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Albina Kakenova scored 2772 points and topped the ranking of junior tennis players from Central Asia.

Abiba Abuzhakynova, @abiba48


The Kazakh judoka won the bronze medal of the Grand Slam tournament in Abu Dhabi. The Kazakhstani woman competed in the weight category up to 48 kilograms and ahead of schedule won the confrontation for the third place, earning "ippon".

Vanessa Tolkunbek-kyzy

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A model from Kyrgyzstan won the Face of Asia 2022 contest. The festival was held in the city of Yijeongbu. Models Aliya Sultanbayeva, Askat Osmonov and Muratbek Mamyrov entered the top 10.

Anna Danilina, @_annadanilina_

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In the semifinal meeting, Anna, along with Brazilian Beatriz Haddad Maya, beat the leaders of the women's doubles. Thanks to this victory, Danilina will perform at the final WTA tournament, which will be held from October 31 to November 7 in Fort Worth, Texas.

Saadat Turusbekova


The Kyrgyz model performed at the beauty contest Princess of the Globe 2022, Photomodel of the World 2022. The festival was held in Turkey. Saadat entered the top seven according to the results of the competition.

Shavkat Rakhmonov, @shavkatrakhmonov94

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The UFC made a short film about a Kazakhstani fighter. In the film, Shavkat talked about his formation, immediate plans and goals for the future.

Damir Ismagulov, @ismagulov_damir

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The Kazakh fighter has risen to the 10th place of the UFC rating. Damir swapped places with Conor McGregor, previously the Kazakhstani was in 11th place.

Ilfat Abdullin, @abdullin.ilfat

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The Kazakhstani became the first at the international tournament in classical archery. Sanzhar Musayev, Buned Mirzametov and Adel Zheksenbinova also took places.

Arym Aktan, @esimdefilm

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The film "Esimde" directed by Aktan Arym Kubat is nominated for the Asia-Pacific Film Academy APSA Award. The ceremony will take place on November 11 in Gold Coast, Australia.

Davlat Bobonov, @bobonovdavlat

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The Uzbek athlete took the first place in the updated ranking of the best judoists in the world.

Dastan Lepshakov, @dastan.lepshakov

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The Kyrgyzstani became the world champion in billiards in the discipline "free pyramid". Another representative of the Kyrgyz Republic, Azizjon Madaminov, became the bronze winner of the tournament.

Kural Zholaman

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A resident of Aktau swam across the Strait of Gibraltar without a wetsuit in 5 hours and 58 minutes.

Sandugash Rysbaeva, @ss.sanny


A 29-year-old girl from Astana represented Kazakhstan at the international beauty contest International Beauty and Model 2022 and became the owner of the title Mrs. Charm and crowns made of Swarovski stones.

Aisha Sabyrzhankyzy, @nawqars

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A Kazakhstani woman took first place in an art competition in England. The 16-year-old artist presented a series of paintings "Alash Orda", where she depicted the Kazakh intelligentsia of the XX century.

Roman Varlamov, @varlamov_roman

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The 25-year-old Kazakhstani became the official photographer of Ralph Lauren.

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