Movie Industry
Ruslan Aidar, @rouslnn
The actor played one of the main roles in the TV series “Millionaires from the dormitory”. He is also the performer of the song “Zhashsyn”, which is loved by many Kyrgyz people.
Nurai Zhetkergen, @nunanuraii

The young actress is remembered for her intimidating role in the movie “Dastur”. Nurai is not even 20 years old, she is studying at the last year of college of arts.
Daulet Zhanbolat, @dauletubv

Actor and singer Daulet Zhanbolat recently starred in the TV series “Millionaires from the dormitory”. Having won the love of the audience, he continues to gain momentum and is active in social networks.
Yermek Shynbolatov, @ermek_shinbolatov
A graduate of the Kazakh National Academy named after T.K. Zhurgenov, Ermek Shynbolatov became recognizable after his role in the film “Dastur”. However, his other role can already be seen in the project “Kashan Tuasyn?”.
Амина Есимжан, @esimzhanova_

Influencer, TikTok-creator, singer and actress — this is all a young girl named Amina Esimzhan. On the big screens you could see her in the movies “Student-Kөke” and “Dastur”.
Диана Ташимбетова, @diana.tashii

Beauty pageant contestant Diana Tashimbetova made her movie debut this winter, and in a leading role! The girl starred as Madina in Bayan Alaguzova's project “Sakura. itz May Life”.
Zhibek Baktybekova, @bakktybekovass

Popular TikTok-influencer Zhibek has starred in several movies this year, including “Peri” and “Chon Kyz”. In addition to dancing skills, the girl is also actively developing in acting.
bir kyz, @danabirkyz
Dana's style is memorable for its unique vibe and dark aesthetic. Her songs can also be heard in the new project from Salem Entertainment — “Love, Swindler”.
Yulduz Musa, @koksmuse
X Factor Uzbekistan 2023 contestant Yulduz continues to delight listeners by releasing more and more author's songs. She has already recorded fits with popular Uzbek singers.
Аслан Абдрахманов, @asik_abdr
You may not know Aslan, but you've definitely heard one of his songs. The rising star's songs occupy top positions in TikTok, and they are even trending.
Хайринисо Акбарова, @hayri_akbarova

19-year-old Khairiniso is a super finalist of the first season of the X Factor Uzbekistan project. Her goal is to contribute to the development of the country's music industry.
Ilhan Ihsanov, @ilhan.ihsanov

Those warm and romantic songs in Kazakh have won the hearts of thousands of listeners.