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10 Uzbek films which should watching with family
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10 Uzbek films which should watching with family

Collected 10 interesting uzbek films.

Ty ne sirota, 1962

ты не сирота.jpg

Classics of Soviet Uzbek cinema. The story of how the family sheltered and raised 14 children of different nationalities.

Suyunchi, 1982

«Суюнчи», 1982.jpg

The cinema is about how sometimes children don’t appreciate mothers, how heroes didn’t appreciate grandmother Anzirat. A good Soviet film worth watching.

Abdullajan, ili posvyashchaetsya Stivenu Spielbergu, 1991

«Абдулладжан, или Посвящается Стивену Спилбергу», 1991.jpg

Comedy with elements of fantasy and parody. Bazarbai sheltered an alien boy who survived the shipwreck.

Supenevestka, 2008

«Суперневестка», 2008.jpg

Diana and Sardor fall in love and get married despite the disapproval of their parents due to differences in upbringing. To please her mother-in-law, the young wife becomes a «supernevestka».

Lish’ by papa ne uznal, 2016

A comedy about relationships within a family where teenagers grow up. Age-appropriate problems: admission, first relationship, mom has to solve together with the children.

Tashkent — gorod hlebniy, 1968

«Ташкент — город хлебный», 1968.jpg

1921 year. To save mother and younger brothers from starvation, a peasant boy Misha Dodonov, together with his friend Serezha, goes to Tashkent for food.

Ozornik, 1977

«Озорник», 1977.jpg

Shum bola — the film is based on the story of Gafur Gulyam about the adventures of a boy whose restless nature makes him face different people and life situations.

Malenkiy lekar’, 1998

«Маленький лекарь», 1998.jpg

Uzbek feature film in the genre of fantasy drama.

Podaryu tebe gorod, 1978

«Подарю тебе город», 1978.jpg

The young man Yunus cannot get to his own wedding and becomes an active participant in many events taking place on that day in the city.

Bunt nevestok, 1984

«Бунт невесток», 1984.jpg

Farman-bibi — an honest and wise mother, a just mother-in-law, who keeps seven daughters-in-law of her sons, as well as twenty grandchildren, from all sorts of nonsense.

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