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10 swimming pools in Almaty for solo swims and training with coaches


10 swimming pools in Almaty for solo swims and training with coaches

A swimming pool is one of the best ways to stay in shape, relax after a busy day, or learn new skills. Modern swimming pools in Almaty offer a wide range of programs for adults and children, training with professional instructors, and comfortable conditions for self-training. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the best swimming pools in Almaty, where you can swim and improve your health.

“GRANDPOOL”, @grandpool_fitness_kz

“GRANDPOOL” is a 25-meter pool equipped with modern water purification technologies. It offers various water programs, including group sessions, children's swimming lessons, and personal training with a coach. Solo swimming is also available. In addition to the pool, the complex offers a wide range of group fitness programs and a gym for sports training.

“Gold Coast”, @gold_coast_almaty

“Gold Coast” is a 25-meter sports pool in Almaty where you can learn to swim. Lessons for both children and adults are available, with options for individual coaching or solo swimming.

“SK Fitness”, @skfitness.gres

“SK Fitness” is a sports pool in Almaty offering swimming lessons for both adults and children. In addition to training, regular competitions are held for those aiming to improve their athletic skills. The complex also has a gym and the option for solo swimming.

"Athletic Village"

"Athletic Village" is a 25-meter sports pool where you can swim either independently or with a coach. There is also a children's pool for infant swimming. The complex features a sauna and a hammam for relaxation.

“Aquastars”, @aquastarssc

“Aquastars” is a sports pool in Almaty offering a wide range of water sports activities. You can swim independently, take lessons with a coach, or participate in special infant swimming classes. Aquastars also offers aqua aerobics, water polo, and synchronized swimming lessons. In addition to the pool, the complex has a gym.

Olympic reserve pool

The olympic reserve pool in Almaty is built to international standards. Eight swimming lanes provide ample space for comfortable training. Swimming lessons with coaches, synchronized swimming, and water polo are available. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced swimmer, you can train with qualified instructors or swim independently. The complex also includes a gym and sauna.

“Continental”, @continental_almaty

“Continental” is a pool in Almaty specializing in water sports. Lessons in water polo, aqua aerobics, and synchronized swimming with a coach are available. The Continental pool offers both individual and group training, as well as swimming lessons for children from the age of three.

"Sports club of the academy of sports and tourism", @scast.pool

The "Sports club of the academy of sports and tourism" in Almaty offers swimming lessons. Professional coaches teach swimming for all ages. Swimming competitions are regularly organized to showcase progress and achievements. The club also offers volleyball and rhythmic gymnastics classes.

“Arena Aqua Club”, @arena_aqua_club

“Arena Aqua Club” is a 25-meter sports pool with six lanes located in Almaty Arena. The club offers swimming lessons for both children and adults under the guidance of qualified coaches. Regular competitions are held, and trips to swimming tournaments and championships are organized.

“Aquafit”, @aquafit_almaty

“Aquafit” is a spa center in Almaty offering a comprehensive relaxation and wellness experience. The center features a large swimming pool, a Finnish sauna, an infrared sauna, and a gym for sports activities.

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