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10 prestigious international universities in Tashkent


10 prestigious international universities in Tashkent

Here are 10 international universities in Tashkent that offer a wide range of programs in English.

Westminster International University in Tashkent, @wiutuni

The university offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs accredited by Westminster International University in the UK. With an emphasis on academic excellence and international co-operation, WIUT provides students with opportunities for personal growth and professional development.

Inha University in Tashkent, @inha_tashkent

Inha University is known for its innovative approach to education, offering cutting-edge programs in engineering, business and technology. As a branch of a prestigious university from South Korea, it gives students access to world-class faculty and state-of-the-art facilities.

Webster University, @websteruzbekistan

Webster University in Tashkent offers an American-style education with a global perspective, equipping students with leadership and critical thinking skills.

British Management University, @bmuedu

A world-class university in Uzbekistan. It has internationally recognized programs in business, management and finance.

The main mission of the university is to provide quality British education and prepare graduates for professional and personal success.

Kimyo International University in Tashkent, @kiut.uz_rasmiy

Kimyo International University in Tashkent specializes in chemical engineering and related fields. With state-of-the-art laboratories and experienced faculty, KIUT prepares graduates for successful careers.

Amity University, @amity_tashkent

Amity University in Tashkent offers Foundation, Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. The university has more than a thousand students and employs more than 30 qualified foreign teachers.

Management Development Institute of Singapore, @mdis.tashkent

The Management Development Institute of Singapore started its work in Tashkent in 2007. It offers bachelor's and master's degrees, and its diplomas are internationally recognized.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, @polito_uz

Turin Polytechnic University has been operating in Tashkent since 2009. It trains specialists for the automotive, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, power engineering, industrial and civil construction enterprises and organizations.

Bucheon University in Tashkent, @bucheon.university

Bucheon University offers a unique opportunity to get international education right in Korea.

Graduates of the university can get a double international diploma: Bucheon University in Tashkent and Bucheon University in the Republic of Korea. This is a great opportunity to expand your horizons.

Ajou University in Tashkent, @ajou_uz

Over the years, Ajou University in the Republic of Korea has become one of the leading universities in the country. The university has trained thousands of highly qualified specialists who successfully work all over the world.

Ajou University in Tashkent was opened in 2020.

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