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10 best films of Kazakh cinematography


10 best films of Kazakh cinematography

We have compiled a list of films of Kazakh cinematography that are worth watching.

Abai’s songs, 1946

Film tells about Abai's friendship with a Russian exile, scientist Nifont Dolgopolov. Under the influence of their growing friendship, educational ideals of Abai are formed.

Botagoz, 1958

Story is about a girl named Botagoz, who had difficult trials from a young age. But she continued to dream of a happy life and a fair attitude towards herself.

Kyz-Gibek, 1971

The two-part film is based on the Kazakh folk poem Kyz Zhibek. The story of the tragic love of representatives of two warring tribes.

Sultan Beybars, 1989

Sultan Beybars — the great Egyptian Sultan, having achieved everything that any mortal can only dream of, remembers where his hard path began.

The Death of Otrar, 1991

The brave Unzhu, sent as a spy to Genghis Khan's troops, rose from a slave to a thousandth. Having learned that Genghis Khan intends to send his hordes to Central Asia, Unzhu hurries to warn the Khorezm Khanate of the impending danger.

Nomad, 2005

The hero Mansur, who became Ablay Khan, passes all the tests of the people's commander.

Mongol, 2007

Boy Temujin, who is to become Genghis Khan, the ruler of half the world, went through hunger, humiliation, slavery. He was supported by the love of Borte, his first and beloved wife.

A Gift to Stalin, 2008

Events took place in 1949. Joseph Stalin celebrates his seventieth birthday, and in the Kazakh steppe, in a railway train, a crawler finds a child and takes him to the village.

Birzhan Sal, 2009

Film tells about the dramatic life story of the folk singer and composer Birzhan Kozhagulov.

Myn bala. Warriors of the steppe, 2012

Action of the film takes place in the first half of the XVIII century — in the turning point of Kazakh history, when in the bloody war with the Dzungars, the unity of the Kazakh people and heroism become the decisive force on the way to freedom.

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