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  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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Youth from Armenia successful outside the country


Youth from Armenia successful outside the country

Anait Pogosian, @anait__pogosian

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Anait is a singer from Yerevan. In 2000, she moved to Ukraine, where she studied pop vocals. After her studies, Anait moved to Moscow, where improved her vocal skills with Raisa Saed Shah, a teacher at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. In 2017, she participated in the sixth season of the “Voice”. In 2018, she released the author's song “For You”.

Source: 24smi.org

Simon Martirosyan, @simonmartirosyan


Simon Martirosyan is a weightlifter, competing in the weight category up to 109 kg. He has been doing weightlifting since he was 12 years old. World champion in 2018 and 2019, silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, European champion in 2017 and 2019, bronze medalist of the European championship in 2016. In Batumi, at the 2019 European Championship, Simon took the first place and became a two-time European champion. The weight on the rod amounted to 427 kg. In the exercises, he also had no equals.

Source: ru.wikipedia.org

Mikael Aramian, @mikael_aramian

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Mikael is a theater and film actor. He was born in Yerevan and later moved to Moscow with his parents. As a teenager, he decided to become an actor, studied at the acting department of the Institute of Modern Art, and later joined the troupe of the Moscow Armenian theater under the direction of Slava Stepanyan. He has repeatedly appeared on the stage in various productions. Starred in the films: “Spy Games: Illegal”, “How to Marry a Millionaire”, “Stairway to Heaven”, “Earthquake” and “Love in the City of Angels”. Since 2019, he participates and hosts the TV show “Ya tvoye schastye” on Friday TV channel.

Source: 24smi.org

Sevak Khanagyan, @sevak_khanagyan

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Sevak Khanagyan is an Armenian and Russian singer and songwriter. In 2016, he participated in the Ukrainian “X Factor” and took the first place. A year later, he released several musical projects. In 2018, he represented Armenia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 with the song “Qami”.

Source: 24smi.org

Aram Vardanyan, @aramv9289, @aram.vardanyan.9

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Aram Vardanyan is a travel blogger and businessman. He travels the world and promotes domestic tourism among foreigners. Together with a friend from the United States — Megan Star, he created the website “Absolute Armenia”. This is a tourist resource with a mission to help travelers to make a trip to Armenia.

Lilith Petrosyan

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Photo source: gaiff.am

Lilith is a young film director. In 2014, she entered the faculty of directing at the Yerevan State Institute of Theater and Film. Her course work, the documentary film “Zasukha” won the Bronze Knight Prize at the Golden Knight Festival in Sevastopol. In 2019, the “Baina” film received a special prize at the Golden Apricot Film Festival. The film was included in the shortlist of the XXX Russian Open Documentary Film Festival

Source: gaiff.am, armmuseum.ru

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