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World Bank: Uzbekistan's economy to grow by five point eight per cent in 2025


World Bank: Uzbekistan's economy to grow by five point eight per cent in 2025

The World Bank has reported that Uzbekistan's gross domestic product increased by six per cent in 2024.Experts have forecast economic growth of five point eight per cent in 2025 and five point nine per cent in 2026 — one of the best indicators in the Europe and Central Asia region.

However, forecasts indicate a slowdown in economic growth to two point five per cent in 2025 and a subsequent rise to 2 point seven per cent in 2026 for the ECA region as a whole. Concurrently, a slowdown in economic growth in Russia is likely to exert a negative influence on the countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus, particularly due to a decline in remittances.

Source: anhor.uz

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