Onward, 2019
The cartoon tells about the brothers-elves who live in a world where all magic has disappeared. They go on a dangerous adventure to find magic.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, 2018
In the center of the story, a teenager from New York who lives in a world of limitless possibilities of the Spider-Man universes, where the superhero costume is not only worn by him.
Claus, 2019
The son of a magnate fails his studies at the postal academy, and his father sends him to re-education in the Arctic Circle. The guy will have to send six thousand letters with the help of a mysterious logger.
Incredibles 2, 2018
The story of a family of superheroes who have abilities. This time, their family peace is threatened by a new powerful enemy.
Coco, 2017
12-year-old Miguel lives with his family in a village in Mexico. During the holiday of the day of the dead, the hero will have to solve a family secret of several generations.
Inside Out, 2015
11-year-old schoolgirl Riley is controlled by five emotions: joy, sadness, fear, anger, and disgust. They live together in the girl's mind until they learn that Riley and her parents will move from a cozy town to a bustling metropolis.
Moana, 2016
Brave girl Moana lives in a small island tribe in the Pacific Ocean. She embarks on a dangerous journey to complete the mission started by her ancestors.
Zootropolis, 2016
Funny Bunny Judy Hopps dreams of a career in the police force and is sent into a modern city Zootropolis. There she will have to compete with large animals and overcome many difficulties.
The Lego Movie, 2014
The action takes place in a plastic world where an ordinary LEGO figure joins a campaign against an evil LEGO dictator.
How To Train Your Dragon, 2010
Photo source: film.ru