Samarkand is a city in Uzbekistan famous for its architecture, mosques and mausoleums. One of the most popular tourist destinations in Central Asia. We tell you what to see here.
Where to stay
Hotels: Emirkhan Hotel, Tilyakori Hotel, Hotel Minor, Platan Hotel, Bibikhanum Hotel, DiliMah Premium Luxury, UYUT, Hotel Zarina, Ideal Hotel, Hotel Ishonch.
Hostels: Registan Hostel, Old Radio hostel, HOSTEL NABI BOBO, HOtel Like, Amir Hostel, MANIJA Hostel, Hostel Gulsara
What to watch
The ensemble of three madrasahs is a unique example of the art of urban planning and an example of the architectural design of the main square of the city.
Ulugbek Madrasah
Spiritual, educational, educational and religious building of the XV century. The oldest madrasah of the architectural ensemble of Registan Square.
Mausoleum Gur-Emir
It is included in the list of attractions of the Pearls of the Commonwealth, one of the masterpieces of Persian architecture of the Timurid era.
Mausoleum of Khoja Donier
According to the information of the XVIII century, the ashes of the Old Testament biblical prophet Daniyar were buried in the mausoleum, the remains of which were brought to Samarkand and buried by Amir Timur.
Khazret-Khyzr Mosque
A bright representative of the folk architecture of the Samarkand school. The composition of the mosque is asymmetric, its main elements are a winter khanaka, covered with a dome, and a columned aivan.
Mausoleum Rukhabad
Memorial and religious building of the XIV century, the burial place of the preacher, theologian and mystic scholar Sheikh Burkhaneddin Klych Sagardzhi.
Architectural complex Shakhi Zinda
One of the most mysterious architectural monuments of Samarkand, a complex consisting of a string of elegant tombs.
Bibi Khanum Mosque
According to legend, the mosque got its name in honor of Tamerlane's beloved wife. Returning from a victorious Indian campaign, Timur began the construction of a cathedral mosque for Friday prayers, which was given the name of Bibi Khanym by rumor.
What to try
Pilaf — the popularity of Samarkand pilaf is undeniable. Trying the local plov is a must-do during your trip.
National dishes: samsa, shurpa, manti, lagman. Dishes familiar to everyone in Central Asia are prepared here according to special, Samarkand recipes.
Things to do
Go shopping at Siab Bazaar
The bazaars of Samarkand are colorful and colorful. You can find anything in them — from the things and products necessary for everyday life to souvenirs for tourists. Many people bring painted plates from here.
Listen to a lecture at the Ulugbek Observatory
The underground part of the observatory with the remains of the sextant has survived to this day. Once upon a time, scientists determined the height of the sun and other celestial bodies using this sextant - local guides will tell you more interesting things.
Nearby there is a small museum of Ulugbek.
Walk around the old quarters of Samarkand
To feel the atmosphere of this city.
Visit the Happy Bird Art Gallery
Here you can stock up on figurines, paintings, plates, vases, keys, clocks and dozens of other things that create a beautiful and cozy space.