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What makes Baku attractive: 7 interesting facts about the capital of Azerbaijan


What makes Baku attractive: 7 interesting facts about the capital of Azerbaijan

From the first oil rigs to Soviet cinema legends, we've gathered fascinating facts about Azerbaijan’s capital that will surprise you.

Underwater Baku

Part of modern-day Baku is located on land that was once the seabed of the Caspian Sea. Over thousands of years, the sea receded, leaving large stretches of dry land.

The capital closest to the Earth's core

Baku lies 28 meters below sea level. In comparison, Amsterdam is only one meter below sea level. Of all the capitals, Baku is the closest to the Earth's core, and this fact is scientifically confirmed.

Baku boulevard — one of the longest in the world

Baku’s Seaside Boulevard stretches along the Caspian Sea coast for more than 25 kilometers, making it one of the longest urban parks on the planet.

The "Gates of the Caucasus"

For centuries, Baku has served as an important trade and cultural center at the crossroads of East and West, earning the nickname “Gates of the Caucasus” for numerous travelers and merchants.

The first offshore oil rigs in the world

Oil platforms built in the 1940s near Baku became the world’s first offshore oil rigs, laying the foundation for subsequent offshore oil projects.

The Nobel Prize was funded by Baku Oil

It was in Baku in the late 19th century that the Nobel brothers founded the first oil production company. One of them, Adolf Nobel, established the prestigious Nobel Prize, dedicating at least 12% of his fortune made from Baku oil to its funding. His nephew, Emmanuel Nobel, followed suit, and in 1904, he established his own prize in Baku for achievements in the oil industry.

Icheri Sheher — filming location for “The Diamond Arm”

Some scenes from the famous Soviet comedy “The Diamond Arm” were filmed on the narrow streets of old Baku, making the city a pilgrimage site for fans of the film.

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