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What happened in Central Asia this week: summary from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan


What happened in Central Asia this week: summary from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

We’ve compiled the most interesting news and events from Central Asia. Read our weekly review for more details.


Anna Danilina won the WTA-1000 doubles for the first time

Anna Danilina and Irina Khromacheva won the WTA-1000 doubles tournament in Wuhan, China. In the final match they defeated the American duo Jessica Pegula/Aisha Muhammad in two sets 6:3, 7:6.

Source: inform.kz

Kazakhstan airlines plan to open flights to Budapest, Riga, Vienna and Munich

The delegation of Kazakhstan took part in the 21st meeting of the Cooperation Council between the European Union and Kazakhstan, which was held in Luxembourg.

During the event was initialled the wording of the text of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union on certain aspects of air transportation.

Source: inform.kz

TUMO Creative Technologies Center to be opened in Astana

Armenian innovative education project TUMO, specializing in technology and design, will open its representative office in Astana Hub International Technopark

Source: inform.kz

Space tourism of Kazakhstan is presented at the tourism exhibition in China

Kazakhstan's tourism potential is presented at China Outbond Travel& Tourism Market, one of the largest annual tourism exhibitions in the world, which opened in Beijing.

Source: inform.kz

Kazakhstan will host the “Games of the Future” in 2026

Kazakhstan, Peru and Chile were competing for the right to host the Phygital Games of the Future 2026, a tournament combining traditional sports and cybersports. As a result, Kazakhstan was awarded the status of the host country for the 2026 Games of the Future.

Source: 24.kz

Kaspi announced the acquisition of Turkey's leading marketplace Hepsiburada

Kaspi.kz has signed an agreement to acquire about 65 percent of Hepsiburada's shares with Hanzade Dogan, founder and controlling shareholder of the company.

Source: tengrinews.kz


An American scientific journal published an article about the Kyrgyz movie “Mountain Wagtail”

Dutch journalist Tim Brinkhoff, published a great article about the Kyrgyz film "Mountain Wagtail ” directed by Begala Nargozu in the scientific journal of the American center for the study of biodiversity The Revelator.

Source: kaktus.media

The world premiere of the movie about Kyrgyzstan took place in London

Australian director Peter Davis made a short documentary film “Seven Tribes, Seven Fathers” about Kyrgyzstan. Its world premiere was held in London at The Garden Cinema. The movie was well received by the audience, they were happy to learn more about Kyrgyz culture, and appreciated the unique perspective on it.

Source: kaktus.media


A joint art expedition of artists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan takes place in Tashkent

This is the first time a cultural event of this scale has been held in Central Asia. During the art expedition the artists intend to familiarize themselves with the history of ancient cities and monuments and on this basis create new works.

Source: inform.kz

YAYA, a single subscription of classes for children, enters the Uzbek market

This is the first foreign market for a Kazakh startup working on the 1Fit model. At the moment, the platform has already launched a local website and Instagram account. This step will be the company's first expansion outside of Kazakhstan

Source: spot.uz

South Korean Hyundai Rotem plans to produce electric trains in Uzbekistan

Hyundai Rotem presented data on the main technical characteristics of trains, the production of which is envisaged on the basis of localization. Following the meeting, the parties agreed to consider additional project opportunities, analyze the offer, and explore new production areas.

Source: spot.uz

Andrey Pyatakhin will become the new CEO of Beeline Uzbekistan

Prior to that, he managed VEON Holding's structures in Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Armenia.

Source: spot.uz

Fintech Association of Uzbekistan joined the alliance of Turkic countries

The organization plans to create joint incubators and programs for fintech startups.

Source: spot.uz

Qatari airline Dynasty Jet plans to open a representative office in Uzbekistan

Two Uzbek companies signed contracts to export food and agricultural products to Qatar.

Source: spot.uz

IT Park will have its own $10 million venture capital fund

The National Venture Fund UzVC will be transformed into a “fund of funds”. Its main task will be to finance the work of other venture capital organizations, build portfolios, attract local and foreign investments, grants and co-financing.

Source: spot.uz


Dushanbe will host the Forum of Scientists of the Commonwealth of Independent States Member States

The V Forum of Scientists of the Commonwealth of Independent States will be held on October 23-24, within the framework of which the XII meeting of the Council for Cooperation in Basic Sciences of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the first meeting of the Council of Young Scientists under the Council for Cooperation in Basic Sciences of the Commonwealth of Independent States are also scheduled.

Source: khovar.tj

Young architects from Tajikistan won a prize at an international competition in Yerevan

The Coordination Council of the International Association of Architects' Unions as well as the 32nd International Review-Contest for the best architectural works of architects from CIS countries and Serbia for 2024 was held in Yerevan on October 10-12. Tajikistan's architects took the first place in the competition.

Source: asiaplus.tj

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