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Weekly Central Asia brief: important news from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan


Weekly Central Asia brief: important news from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan

This article highlights the most important news from Central Asia over the past week. Stay informed with key updates and significant developments shaping the region.


Aktau has been designated the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World for 2025

The symbol of the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World was handed over at the closing ceremony of the "Anau — Cultural Capital of the Turkic World 2024" year.

Throughout the year, the ancient Turkmen city of Anau hosted Turkic-speaking brothers, held celebrations, and organized various international events, including film festivals, exhibitions, scientific conferences, and youth forums. Now, this honorable mission has been passed on to the city of Aktau, where similar events will be held.

Source: inform.kz

The Kazakh athlete won the gold medal at the badminton tournament in Zambia

The leader of Kazakhstan's badminton team, Dmitriy Panarin, became the winner of the international tournament in Lusaka, Zambia.

Source: inform.kz

A film about Aldar kose will be showcased at the 17th International Eurasia Film Festival

This year, special attention is given to the anniversaries of Kazakh cinema, including the 110th anniversary of the birth of Shaken Aimanov, who symbolizes the rich cultural traditions of the country.

Source: inform.kz

Kazakhstan has approved an agreement with San Marino on visa exemption

Citizens intending to stay in the territory of the other state for a period exceeding 90 days must obtain the appropriate visa prior to entering the territory of the other state, including any permits required by the domestic legislation of the host country.

Source: zakon.kz


The film “Error 404” from Kyrgyzstan won an award at the international “Gorkut ata” festival

The results of the “Gorkut Ata” international festival were announced in Ashgabat. Cinematographer-mentor Manasbek Musayev from Kyrgyzstan was awarded a special prize by the international organization TURKSOY. Actress Anarkul Nazarkulova also received an award for her contribution to Turkic culture.

Source: 24.kg

Dancers from Kyrgyzstan won silver and bronze at the Asian Championship in Hong Kong

The pair Hasan Ibragimov and Veronika Tyan from Kyrgyzstan won two medals, bronze and silver, in the European program of the championship, becoming vice-champions of Asia.

Source: kaktus.media


Uzbekistan will negotiate travel arrangements using ID cards with Kazakhstan and Tajikistan

Since September 2023, a similar agreement on travel has come into effect with Kyrgyzstan.

Source: spot.uz

Kimeyo University is taking steps toward new opportunities to ensure student success in Europe

Representatives of the Tashkent International Kimyo University visited Spain and Portugal, where they reached agreements to sign agreements with European universities and the Real Madrid foundation.

Source: spot.uz

The airline flyadeal has launched flights on the Jeddah — Tashkent route

Starting from December 15, flights on the Jeddah — Namangan route will begin. The flights are primarily aimed at pilgrims.

Source: spot.uz

Paynet took part in the program to green the bottom of the Aral Sea

As part of the Green Aral Sea program organized by the UN Development Program, Paynet allocated 300 million sums, which will enable the planting of 23 000 trees.

Source: spot.uz

GSMA, with the support of Beeline Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Digital Technologies, will hold M360 Eurasia in Tashkent

The signed memorandum will make it possible to hold the international M360 Eurasia conference in the capital of Uzbekistan in May 2025.

Source: spot.uz


An agreement on cooperation has been signed between the Tajik State Pedagogical University and the Zaozhuang University, China

Based on this agreement, direct contact between the faculty and students of the two universities is expected, which could contribute to the further development and expansion of scientific ties, as well as the practical application of science in industry.

Source: khovar.tj

An agreement on cooperation has been signed between the Tajik State Pedagogical University and the Linyi University

The practical implementation creates the opportunity for the production of products related to engineering and technology at the Tajik State Pedagogical University named after Sadriddin Aini.

Source: khovar.tj

Tajikistan is actively developing cooperation with Southeast Asian countries

In order to strengthen and expand bilateral cooperation, a delegation from the Republic of Tajikistan has begun a tour of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries.

Source: khovar.tj

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