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Walk around Budapest: ruin pubs, Strudel House and Museum of Terror


Walk around Budapest: ruin pubs, Strudel House and Museum of Terror

Ekaterina Savchenko, 24 years old, hometown — Rostov-on-Don, photographer, blogger, @katin_budapest


I live in Budapest for a year and a half. Despite its huge area, the city has a measured pace, mild climate and gives the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world.

Today Budapest is a city of gastronomy, good coffee and wine, which in combination with the hospitality of the locals makes it particularly attractive for tourists. In addition, the city attracts guests with many thermal baths, monuments of history and architecture.

Vajdahunyad Castle

Interestingly that the place has never been a castle in its literal sense. In 1896, Hungary celebrated the Millennium on the occasion of the acquisition of the Hungarians homeland. And for the festive fair was built decoration liked by locals. Later, the local authorities decided to build a real castle there.


Now there is a Museum of Agriculture, where you can learn about the history of winemaking in Hungary and taste the wine. The castle located in the very popular park of Budapest – Varosliget, near the large artificial pond.

From Tuesday to Sunday, the Museum is open from 10:00 to 17:00. In winter, working hours are reduced by one hour on a weekday.


An adult ticket costs 1100 HUF — 1485 tenge, for children and pensioners, the entrance will cost 550 — 745 tenge. If you want to take photos or record videos, then you need to pay 5,000 HUF — 6750 tenge.

Fisherman's Bastion


Located on the side of Buda. From the terrace opens a fabulous view to the opposite shore, where located the magnificent houses of Parliament. From the highest tower, you can see the picturesque panorama of the Buda Hills. A great place to watch the sunset.

Ruin pub Szimpla Kert


Budapest is famous for its ruin bars. Szimpla Kert located in an abandoned house in the Jewish district. During the day there are many tourists, and in the evening the nightlife begins. Atmospheric and youthful.

Első Pesti Rétesház, Strudel House of Pest


Cafe in the city centre where you can taste the delicious Hungarian strudel, as well as national cuisine. The restaurant itself located in the monument house of architecture, built in 1812. In addition, due to the open kitchen, you can see the cooking process of a strudel. The cafe is popular not only among tourists but among Budapest residents as well.

Thermal baths

Hungarians love to visit the thermal baths but unfortunately, many of them filled with tourists. However, in Budapest, there are enough of them to choose.


Szechenyi bath. In the bath open 15 swimming pools with fresh and thermal water, all kinds of saunas and gyms.

Rudas bath, located at the foot of Gellert Mountain and considered as the most luxurious in Europe. The central pool in the form of an octagon located between eight columns under a ten-meter dome. The pool is surrounded by a corridor of arches with small baths inside, various saunas, radon baths and steam rooms.

Kiraly bath, representing the Turkish culture of baths, is one of the rarest relics of the era of the Ottoman Empire and impresses with its pomposity.


Lukacs bath. There was a tradition that people after successful treatment wrote words of gratitude on marble plaques and placed them on the walls of the bath courtyard. These signs everyone can see in our days.

Gellert bath is the most beautiful in Budapest. The bath was nicknamed as mud bath because of the healing properties of mud from the bottom of the lake. There are thirteen swimming pools in the bath. The indoor pools are located under the vaults of the luxurious domed hall.

Gellert bath features a rich interior decor in Turkish style with marble columns, bronze sculptures, beautiful wall panels with abundant use of ceramics, leather furniture and a statue of Venus at the end of the great hall.

House of Terror Museum

To understand the culture and mentality of Hungarians, it is worth to visit the House of Terror Museum, which located in the heart of the Hungarian capital. Once there was the headquarters of the secret police. Today the Museum covers the events of the Second World War and the subsequent communist regime in the country.

Szentendre Town


Near Budapest, there is Szentendre Town. Now it is known as a city of artists with many galleries and workshops. There you can walk along the cobbled streets, visit the marzipan museum, the museum-shop of Christmas toys, buy all the necessary souvenirs and taste the national cuisine in colourful restaurants.

Children's railway Gyermekvasut

The railway has ten stops, on any of them, can be withdrawn or goes on the train. But the most interesting stop is mount Janos on which located observation tower Erzsebet, as well as the final station of the cable car Libego. The main workers there are children from 10 to 17 years. To get to work, children need to study well at school and undergo special training.

One-way fare 800 HUF — 1080 tenge for an adult ticket and 400 HUF — 540 tenge for children. In summer, the children's railway is open every day from 09:00 to 18:00.

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