Once in a Lifetime Journey, @onceinalifetimejourney

Mar is a well-known travel blogger. She travels to the most popular places in the world and the least visited. With almost 100 countries under her belt, last year she explored Asian countries from Turkmenistan to India.
The Poor Traveler, @thepoortraveler

Travelers Vins and Yosh, one of the biggest travel bloggers on Facebook. They have received awards from outlets like USA Today and Tripadvisor. They share useful tips for budget travel in Kazakhstan or Paris.
Travel With Lakshmi, @travelwithlakshmi

Lakshmi is an Indian travel blogger and photographer. She promotes travel in India and writes about Indian culture. She started her blog in 2005 and has since grown it into an award-winning travel platform. She is one of the most successful Asian travel bloggers.
I am Aileen, @iamaileencom

Aileen is a travel blogger from the Philippines. She is an entrepreneur and award-winning blogger. On her Facebook page, she talks about interesting facts of countries she has been to, and travel guides to Tokyo and other cities.
WildJunket, @wildjunket

Nellie is an adventure travel blogger. She started her Facebook page in 2008 and has since visited more than 130 countries. Her blog is a popular travel source focusing on adventurous destinations like Armenia and Iran.
Be My Travel Muse, @bemytravelmuse

Kristin is an adventure travel blogger. She started her Facebook page in April 2012, and since then Kristin traveled the world alone. She was hitchhiking in China, sleeping in a tent in Africa, and learning how to say ‘I love you’ in 12 Asian languages. She is inspiring women to travel solo and not be afraid of adventures.