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This week in Central Asia: noteworthy events in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan


This week in Central Asia: noteworthy events in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan

Enjoy the lively cultural scene in Central Asia this week! Exciting concerts, great performances, and interesting forums are happening in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan. There’s something for everyone to enjoy!


Astana MedForum 2024

When: October 14-15

Where: Astana

The first international scientific and practical conference "Astana Medical Forum 2024: Medicine of the future — Integration of Science, Education, and Practice."

Eurasian Film Market 2024

When: October 14-17

Where: Almaty

The International Film Market EFM is an annual forum and the largest film market in Central Asia. It is one of the prominent events in the creative industries sector.

Qazaqstan IGF 2024

When: October 16

Where: Almaty

Qazaqstan IGF is a unique national forum held annually, bringing together representatives from government bodies, businesses, civil society, and academia to discuss various aspects of internet governance and cybersecurity.

The concert of Thomas Mraz

When: October 16

Where: Astana

Multi-genre artist, producer, and songwriter Thomas Mraz is going on a tour called "What we do in the shadows".

The concert of Thomas Mraz

When: October 18

Where: Almaty

Multi-genre artist, producer, and songwriter Thomas Mraz is going on a tour called "What we do in the shadows".

Go Digital Eurasia 2024

When: October 16-17

Where: Astana

The conference-exhibition is aimed at top managers and heads of IT-departments in large companies and corporations that focus on innovative business development and digital transformation.

Kolesa Conf 24

When: October 18

Where: Almaty

Kolesa Conf 24 is a major conference that brings together the IT community of Kazakhstan, discussing topics related to web development, management, data, and mobile technologies.

Millenium Fest

When: October 19

Where: Astana

Millenium Fest is a musical event that will take you back to the golden era of the 2000s. The stage will feature legendary artists whose hits were played in every home and at every party: the band "101," Domino, Hi-Fi, Band'Eros, and Diskoteka Avariya.

Аlmaty Geek Games Expo

When: October 20

Where: Almaty

Almaty Geek Games Expo is an event that will bring together gamers, fans of science fiction and comics, tabletop game enthusiasts, cosplayers, and popular science lovers.


National Urban Forum 2024

When: October 16-18

Where: Bishkek

The National Urban Forum 2024 is the largest event of the year in the field of urban development. The aim of the forum is to integrate the best international practices for sustainable city development.

The concert of Aleksey Chumakov

When: October 19

Where: Bishkek

Aleksey Chumakov's signature style is unique to the Russian music scene. It's an electrifying blend of Latin rhythms and beautiful lyrics. Add to this the singer's powerful energy, professional musicians, live sound, and one of the most stunning venues, all creating an acoustic concert experience.


International Theater Festival

When: October 4-25

Where: Tashkent

The International Theater Festival brought together renowned touring productions and vibrant performances from theaters in Uzbekistan.

Central Asia Retail Week 2024

When: October 16-17

Where: Tashkent

Central Asia Retail Week 2024 is an international forum for e-commerce and retail. The event brings together major brands, retailers, marketplaces, innovation and solution providers, associations, and government representatives.

Concert of Jared Leto with Thirty Seconds to Mars

When: October 17

Where: Tashkent

For the first time, the band Thirty Seconds To Mars will perform in Tashkent. Jared Leto and his musicians deliver powerful live performances that combine rock energy with electronic rhythms and catchy pop melodies.

The concert of Mot

When: October 19

Where: Tashkent

Vibrant musical event where the artist will showcase his famous hits.


The concert of Allison Wheeler

When: October 20

Where: Baku

Allison Wheeler is a talented vocalist with a unique voice. At the concert, you will hear songs that blend jazz standards with contemporary hits.

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