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The Minister from Tanzania shared why Kazakhstanis must visit Africa and what amazed him in Nur-Sultan

Mahmoud Kombo

49 years old, hometown — Zanzibar, Minister for Information, Tourism and Heritage of Tanzania


The Minister from Tanzania shared why Kazakhstanis must visit Africa and what amazed him in Nur-Sultan

About Nur-Sultan

In Moscow, within the Big Tourism Show mission, I met with representatives of Kazunion company from Kazakhstan. They invited me to Nur-Sultan, and I used the opportunity.


I am in Nur-Sultan for only three days. This is my first visit to this part of the world. It was incredibly interesting to see Kazakhstan and learn more about a new culture. Everything I have seen here fascinates me, it is a fantastic country. I liked the architecture of the capital, and I was impressed by the beauty and unique structure of Hazret Sultan Mosque.

I read about Kazakhstan through the history of the former Soviet Union, as we were Communists in the past too. So I learned that Kazakhstan is a young country that has left the USSR not so long ago.

We have a common feature in mentality — hospitality and kindness of people

People with big hearts live here. I have been to many places, but people are not always friendly, sometimes they are closed and gloomy.

I managed to try the national dish beshbarmak with horse meat. I also tried on traditional clothing: chapan and hat. This handmade clothing from quality material impressed me.

I have not faced any difficulties here. Even if we have a language barrier, thanks to the kindness of people, I did not feel it and understood that people wanted to help me.

For me, it astonished that our guide sang a song in Russian about Zanzibar — if you have not been there, you can not see sweet dreams.

About Tanzania

My main goal is to promote Zanzibar, to create a new tourist destination for Kazakhstanis. Many people fly to Turkey, Dubai, nearby countries, but not many have explored Africa. I see that Kazakhstanis have a sincere desire to discover new things, explore the incredible and distant corners of the world.


Getting to Tanzania is not cheap because we are an exclusive, authentic destination. Tanzania is incredibly beautiful, the sun, safari and the sea. Many people come to Kilimanjaro, the only active carbonatite volcano in the world.

Actions of "The Lion King" took place in our country. "Hakuna Matata" is our expression that means "there are no worries."

Last year we were visited by 1800 Kazakhstanis. The main problem is obtaining a visa, and we are solving it.

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