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The Briton about the first school of music in the English language in Astana


The Briton about the first school of music in the English language in Astana

About us

Gauhar. We met at the school Haileybury, where we got a job since the opening and began to communicate. A year and a half later we decided to get married, and a year later we had a daughter. When I decided to introduce him to my parents, my mother knew about it initially, and my father found out a week before.

Joe. The British mentality open. When my parents found out that I would marry a Kazakh woman and stay here, they had no objections.


Gauhar. Our wedding held in Kazakhstan. We were the first Kazakh - British couple in the registry office of Yessil district, so it was unclear what documents we needed.

Joe. The wedding was wonderful, there were many friends and relatives. There was a mix of cultures. We had toasts in Kazakh and musical toasts, as there are many musicians among our friends. My grandparents were at the wedding. It was a pleasant experience for them.

About Astana

Joe. I live in Astana for seven years. I like living here, it's one of my favourite cities.

My first impression: sunny, beautiful buildings, I liked the way the city was symmetrically built. Here you can find everything you need: transport, clean parks, where people do gymnastics on the grass. Residents of the city have many reasons to respect and be proud of it.

Many people think that life in the UK is easier. They're embarrassed and asking why I stayed here. But the reason is that I believe that life here is better for me. Perhaps the quality of life in the UK is higher, but it is also more expensive.


There are many foreigners in Astana, and recently I found out that 300 Britons live here. If you want to talk to someone from your country, it's easy.

The only difficulty in Kazakhstan is the lack of knowledge of the language. When I first arrived, I did not know Russian. After one year of living here, I decided to learn it and three years later I was freely speaking. I speak Russian with my wife. But when I go out to practice my language, it's hard for me because everyone wants to speak English with me. When you come to a restaurant and try to order something in Russian to practice Russian, they start speaking English to practice their English.

About music and Scott's Music Room school

Joe. Until recently, I taught music at Haileybury school. But now my wife and I have opened Scott's Music Room. I thought to offer Western methods of teaching music to children in Kazakhstan because I know that there are many good music schools, but they are different from the British ones. And I wanted to give children a choice in learning music.

Gauhar. Our main goal is to give something that is not anywhere in the city. Some parents ask if we have piano lessons. There are many places in the city where you can learn to play the piano, so we do not provide such lessons.


Joe. I teach music in English, and this is one way to develop English. After all, many parents want their children to speak English.

With music, you can develop an emotional communication language. Since I am British, children associate me with the language, and English for children becomes more real. One way to learn a language and learn music is through fun, games, organizing events. My philosophy in music for children is fun. If you take it as a job and not have fun, then the music loses its meaning. If the lesson is interesting, the child is ready to learn.

The most important thing is that we work together. It's a family business. And when children come, we want them to feel at home. They take off their shoes like at home, in the classroom we have a carpet, a cosy atmosphere, musical instruments. We have more than 15 different instruments, I play the violin, ukulele, Arabic instruments. I like to study music from another culture. I was in the Midwest, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon before I came to Kazakhstan.


The most important instruments that we teach are ukuleles for children 8-11 years old, and it is easier for small children to play the drums, maracas, castanets. These are the musical instruments that children like because they are easy to play. They not only do what the teacher said, but they also create something. There were many situations when they found their rhythm and used it. The British way of learning is to make you feel like a musician. And this feeling can be with you all your life.

We teach not only music in the classroom, but we also teach them to take care of each other, not to laugh at each other, to be polite, and we are proud of it.

In modern life, many ways to spend time interesting: phones, tablets. In our lessons we do not use these technologies, we have direct interaction with children. We give them a break from gadgets.

We teach our children about freedom. I teach, but I also give them the opportunity to tell what they would like to learn, what song. If they want to play a song in a different way or on a different instrument, we do it.

A lot of kids are shy, they don't say what they want, they expect me to tell them.

And I start with the easiest. I ask: "Do you like tea with or without milk?". They say, "with milk." Then a little more complicated: "Who do like Rihanna or Shakira?". They say "Shakira." And I'm asking, "Do you want to play this song on a drum or a xylophone?" and only then they do respond. Thus we develop their ability to say what they really want. Because in Kazakhstan children are obedient and do what their parents say.

Gauhar. But I am glad that the current generation of parents is trying to motivate children to do what they want and to give them freedom of choice.

Joe. It is important that we select the songs carefully. For children four years old we choose easy songs. It is important not to treat them as adults because they are still children. Some songs may not be suitable for children. Too high tone can cause pain to the child's larynx. I like to do things step by step. Do not rush to make the child began to sing as an adult. So it's important to choose the right songs.

Gauhar. I help not only in teaching, but I also pretend to be a student. Kids love it when I make mistakes or lose games.

Joe. That's significant. When a child sees an adult make a mistake, he thinks that he can be wrong too and that not all are perfect, even teachers. It is important for us to teach children not to be afraid to take risks because if they are afraid to make mistakes, they will not develop, wouldn't grow as a person. If you spend your whole life afraid of making a mistake, you will stand in one place. We do not force them to make mistakes, but simply help to understand that it is not terrible. We have a positive atmosphere. I learn something about teaching every week. We all learn something together.


We have group lessons. Some people ask about individual classes, but we think that group classes are more interesting. Because it is interesting to sing songs with friends. When I get together with my friends, we sing, play the guitar, and that's the best thing. This is what we do in our school: we divide children into friendly groups so that they make music as a team.

Singing is a cure for the virus, massage of organs and the body because you are singing with the whole body. There are many articles about how it is good for health. And if you have time for music and you sing, you will be more successful at school, at the university. There are articles that say that opera singers live long. American, European scientists said that students who study music are more successful than those who do not. Because they develop their hearing, which means they can listen. The development of rhythm helps the child quickly learn to read. Early music class prepares the child for school. Music helps people to survive in different situations.

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